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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/02/23 in all areas

  1. I remember someone asked about for recommendations for someone to make them a stick I just got these back from Simon heath sticks on Facebook
    14 points
  2. But I'd quite like some 'extremist' policies from the 'right'..... indeed I think it's the only thing that can save Britain. Remember though that controlling mass immigration is now considered right wing, keeping sexual deviants away from kids is right wing and having any opinion on gender other than there are 27 of them is right wing. Sad as it is I think only 'extremism' can now save western civilization
    6 points
  3. That legislation is so flawed? What if the man with the gun,..wounds the rabbit....and how quickly does this Bird of Prey, dispatch a rabbit? Surely a nice gentle, fetch back to the handler is preferable,..especially to the poor old rabbit...?
    5 points
  4. Had another look out yesterday night with the HMR , really loving shooting it at present. Not the best night , weather was very still , no wind at all and temperature dropped to -1 making the ground frosty , hence not many rabbits out. Shooting really well now Stav , shot 21 rabbits for 22 shots.
    4 points
  5. She asked me what I wanted for valentines day tea I said a full English, I got it with stake instead of black pud ! And home made cheese cake for pudding shes a keeper ?
    4 points
  6. Flawed is an understatement. The people who made the decisions have no clue how it works because they have never done it because they are obviously dead against it. Yet they have the cheek to wipe out thousands of peoples hobbies and sport just like that. Be like me going into builders yard and telling some one how to build a house when I haven't got a clue .I saw a post on a FB group of a day out ferreting. There was old folks middle age and kids boys and girls. All having a great day out and catching few rabbits. Lovely to see. Them pictures should be rammed in the face of the morons that th
    4 points
  7. Made these spicy dorito coated chicken straps for the kids
    4 points
  8. Young dog who's only had 3 digs... we had a head scratcher last week with the young dog as he found and was working but we didn't end up with the result l... He was dead on Sunday morning found and worked well and a result.... He still very young so time will tell.
    4 points
  9. I dread to see what life on these islands will look like in five or ten years time. So glad I don't have kids to worry about.
    4 points
  10. Just got my misses a ballon flight over America for Valentine’s Day ?
    4 points
  11. 400 quid a stick that's ridiculous for a stick with a head glued to it daylight robbery ...i'd of let him keep them once I come out of shock
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. this stinks on the level of the old cheese me pals say the stonage is like taking sleeping tablets ? buds are like concrete makes me want to start smoking again ?
    4 points
  14. Been a while since me and SeanC have got out ferreting together... asked last week "what do you wanna do Sunday mate, fish or ferret"... he was up for a day with the ferrets so half 7 this morning we were off... This is a good bit of perm, you can hit sections of hedge and big banks and knock out half a dozen then move on to the next..that was the plan for today and for once it went like clock work...well after the first section produced nothing, it had me thinking a bit, youngish ferrets, would they push enough (my old faithful have all gone on now and you never give the youngsters enou
    3 points
  15. You've got to realise it's not the welfare of the humble rabbit that concerns these fckn lunatics it's just getting 1 over on hunters that is important however flawed or illogical
    3 points
  16. Great photo crackin to see an old boy like that still passionate aswell as successful he deserves to be as proud n happy as he looks..
    3 points
  17. Valentines chateaubriand done on the smoker
    3 points
  18. Had 2 hours on Calder fleet lane after work few bites in first peg so thought have half hour below weir next to motor got my first barbel and trout of year my target there is a river carp this year
    3 points
  19. Fury's style was transformed by Sugarhill. He was taught how to best use his size, strength and punching power. Joshua needs to employ Sugarhill to stop him being so uptight, defensive and unsure of himself. In his early days Joshua used to impose himself on his opponent and didn't mind taking a risk. He's a shadow of his former self now. Fury needs to stop talking shite and get in the ring with Usyk. Otherwise he will be remembered in boxing history as a ducker and diver.
    3 points
  20. Cracking day to be out today. Few young in this south facing hedge held us up for a while. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  21. RS11 still holds its own here,cropping some in 10-14 days,but watch out for moonbow in case it ever appears on the UK scene.
    3 points
  22. Think one slipped by what a prat these celebs need locking up
    3 points
  23. The whole reason terriers we’re retained by the hunt after the ban was because farmers signed up to game bird protection Steve .Terriermen had to carry written permission slips for every patch of ground signed by the farmer and stating the farmer was happy for foxes to be bolted and shot in accordance with the law to protect game birds .The act does not ask for reared game birds just game bids and every farm has a few on it .If the vid in question showed a dead fox given to hounds there would be no case to answer .The trouble was with the bolted fox and hounds allowed ,geed on to hunt it .
    3 points
  24. 3 to 8 year old and are good workers that's when you get the best out of them they know there job most lurchers will get knocked up through there life and there injuries will start showing older they get they'll slow down but what they lack in speed theyll make up for it In fieldcraft
    3 points
  25. Did the sab not jump into his path? If the sabs hadn’t of moved no one would’ve been hurt.
    3 points
  26. depends on your sport....but after 6 there defiantly on the way down...especially when it comes to hares....still good for lamping rabbits and stuff.....but there are loads of variables ....whats in the lurcher ..is it a fast type...is it cloddy and heavy... there are very few lurchers after 8 that are catching daytime hare REGULAR...on big land....
    3 points
  27. Seeing Newkid with a pasty thought been a while since I've made some. Bloody hansom they were, didn't last long Lol. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  28. This is from the hunts Facebook group An incident occurred on Saturday while The Cottesmore Hunt were trail hunting around the Whissendine area. The huntsman needed to jump a gate, but found it obstructed by 2 members of the Sabotuers Association. On video, he can clearly be heard asking them to allow him access to jump the obstacle, but they remained on the gate. An experienced horseman, on a very capable horse, Sam assessed the situation, verbally warned of his intentions to jump the gate and requested they keep clear, he viewed his line over the gate and jumped. As his horse took
    3 points
  29. I’ve recently had a contact for a chap who collects deer .The only request was that we got 10 or more to make the trip from South Dorset worth while .Monday afternoon I got home from work early and straight out to a spot I know there’s a few roe ,in fact it’s teeming with them .This was culling pure and simple ,no time to mess about with management or fancy shots . In the second field there where 7 roe couched against the far hedge in the sunshine .The temp was just nice with a hint of a frosty night ahead .4 does and two mature bucks heavy in velvet and a pricket .Most had their eyes firml
    2 points
  30. Lovely bitch mate, looks a bit like this pup only yours is a bit racier
    2 points
  31. Didnt know you were into that stuff Yes,thou shalt not bum young boys
    2 points
  32. That's a load of bollocks. I had that years before the jabs.
    2 points
  33. I wonder if there setting on...
    2 points
  34. Buddy got a new job he's been after so we threw a lil cook out to celebrate . Fired chicken,beef curry, jambalaya, all sorts of deserts, drinks, good night
    2 points
  35. I know , we hunt in the real world not the romantic version. Pulling the trigger is the easy bit ?
    2 points
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