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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/12/22 in all areas

  1. Why would the government and big energy companies want to invest money into ways people can live off-grid and independent from them?? It's a business and the world is a business. It has nothing to do with saving the planet, nothing to do with cutting back on plastic bags, nothing to do with saving the pandas and has absolutely nothing to do with climate change. It's all politically correct gesturing inorder to ring people dry of their finances and maintain control of the current power structure. It's a no brainer.
    11 points
  2. 9 points
  3. Lost my best bitch a few weeks ago which is grand mother to these pups. Completely ruined my season as I only had the 2 bitches and all I have left is the daughter of the bitch which is on the pups. That’s dogs for you and wrong time of season to be looking for a worker but luckily have 5 pups all down from said bitch Atb
    7 points
  4. Had a day out today with the keeper where I beat with my spaniels. he’s gave me permission on a lot of land so today I felt a bit of pressure ? local hounds were there a few days ago so I wasn’t optimistic at all dog marked so dog in. he’s a big dogs and struggled to get on. inexperienced dog so not his fault . keeper was getting bored as they do. dropped the young bitch and she cracked up straight away. big dog came out of leaves but I was stood in way ? she didn’t show and vixen bolted this time into the net earth was say 20 yard f
    6 points
  5. 6 hour smoked leg of lamb
    6 points
  6. Not my finest of photo's but tasted amazing…
    6 points
  7. Mother father and grandmother
    6 points
  8. The last of the leftovers
    6 points
  9. Chicken and spinach bum burner, last of the leftovers ?
    5 points
  10. Rabbits bolted well this time for some reason but wee farmer well please
    5 points
  11. I realised it was all a con years ago whilst reading about Moses and his experience on the mountain top with the burning bush. It then says he came down the mountain in his triumph, everyone knows there were no cars then.
    5 points
  12. I honestly think the way forward is to go back to how UK used to be farmed ,we need to produce are own food ,crops etc Before the government looks at trying to fix the planet it should try fixing Britain and only way they going to do that is by doing right by its people,
    5 points
  13. Sorry to keep on repeating myself, but the governments of the world want total dependency and frown upon any form of self sufficiency, they are about 85% there now, that’s why they are starting the next chapter of pricing everyone out of there own homes, it’s happening right in front of everyone’s face but still just a conspiracy, you will own nothing and be happy ?????
    5 points
  14. Remember Arthur Scargill in a television interview years ago saying we should be investing in the science to develop clean coal technology to burn in our power stations and as usual he was wrote off as another one with ideas as pie in the sky .
    5 points
  15. I said "once you've dug a terrier to a rabbit" big difference from a rabbit bolting from a random hole. I've kept working terriers for 39 years, if anyone's known for giving a terrier a chance I'd like to think it's me. I can guarantee that once you've dug a terrier to a rabbit it won't be the last time and I'd personally offer it to a mate or pts. The problem most lads have is they don't know wtf is going on and they're in a huge rush to dig, better to miss one fox through uncertainty and bolt it than ruin a terrier rushing the job
    5 points
  16. Any rabbiting/ferreting type litters planned or about already my brother in laws been coming out for the last 2 years since he's stopped the beer never let's me down always ready so looking for him a pup to bring on.
    4 points
  17. I would be up for letting some one use my little dog for stud. Decent rabbit dog. Works lamp well, and is spot on for my type of ferreting. 20”TTS, decent feet, can take a few knocks. Coming up 5 year old. Depends on what type you like I suppose.
    4 points
  18. There's none so blind as those that won't see mate
    4 points
  19. I am taking him to a greyhound vet on Friday ?
    4 points
  20. I've often wondered why all new builds don't include, at the very least, solar panels ? They would add very little to the overall cost, and would pay for themselves, as I understand, in 5 to 7 years. OK, not as the only electrical supply, but to compliment the grid supply. Cheers.
    4 points
  21. Been testing a topsy turvey Valmet for a few days now. I don't like 26" barrels or topsey turvey guns as a rule but wow, this one comes up spot on every time and follows through. I've taken pheasants, crows, pigeon and squirrels with it and not paid for it yet!
    4 points
  22. There is the technology to make every single house independent of the grid but it’s costly to set up which is why it’s not being pushed .I can’t understand why every new build or extension hasn’t got an enforced green energy installation as part of planning . Its got to come so why not now .The answer is the big oil companies have put a stop to it .
    4 points
  23. I've seen some outstanding digging dogs ruined because of false marking, an absolute disaster when the habit starts and one I've never seen righted.
    4 points
  24. A year old coming on a treat
    3 points
  25. Do it slowly they are suspicious of sudden drops in usage and will put a clamp meter on your supply to check your usage, against your meter reading ??
    3 points
  26. thought you had minions for such basic tasks as driving?...you need to pull your fingers( stumps) out and get back with the program ??
    3 points
  27. My mam used to say. God is going to have to explain to me all the misery and wars he lets happen before he judges me.
    3 points
  28. LINO made an appearance on Housos this this week and as per usual,... WWW.(!64.56:886 675K views, 3.7K likes, 94 loves, 387 comments, 1.1K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from James Liotta Entertainer:...
    3 points
  29. Have heard tea bags can help. Have a google tea bags for dogs eyes.
    3 points
  30. Following on from my last post. I was shooting with my"hippy" mate yesterday and we stopped for sandwiches. I had brought us a can of guiness each and just to wind him up, I threw my empty can onto the heather as though I was going to leave it there. Predictably he went ballistic, calling me all the c**ts under the sun for leaving litter. I let him blow off and then said to him with a grin." Hook, line and f****n sinker". Took him five minutes to set the funny side.
    3 points
  31. Bit extreme but I get the thought process .Do you peep from behind a tree to make sure he’s not popping out for a breather ?
    3 points
  32. I've had great results with this; Clean the gunk away with a sterile solution and a lint free cloth, Rinse the eyes out with Beaphar eye lotion, Finally, put a couple of drops of Leucilin in each eye, Do this twice a day. Far cheaper than a vet, and very effective. Cheers.
    2 points
  33. Arrr SD that’s not true I think we all read your outings with a touch of jealousy with your guns , me personally would love to shoot one off them atb mate ?
    2 points
  34. A couple of touches with a knife and off to the Butchers if they are bruised soak them in salt water overnight don't be so fuccing squeamish its money you are chucking in the hedge
    2 points
  35. Is all that a fact? No wonder I consider ALL RELIGIOUS BELIEFS an ABSOLUTE f***ing TOTAL NONSENSE!!!
    2 points
  36. Havnt had chance to get out properly yet bud hopefully it shoots as good as it feels in the hand. Been using my goblet hgh which I've been doing well with but now it feels heavy and uncomfortable after picking the scout up. Hopefully be out the weekend
    2 points
  37. Are you encouraging the bitch mate .I know you state you havnt but even pointing to a hole is encouragement in my eyes .My terriers only ever looked at me looking at a hole to find it .Don’t encourage is my advice ,can make for false marking .No need for any words to enter a terrier .It should take to being beneath as easy as on top .The bedding thing in a young dog is excusable as is being frustrated by rabbits but as DD said you should never break ground unless you know the dog is on but only time served will tell you this .A dog fouled by a tight spot will whine with occasional frustrated
    2 points
  38. Ok polar bears are going to die out. Sea ice will disappear. Sandymere and the scientists are correct. So what we doing about it....as a tiny island with insignificant amounts of global co2? Doing nothing to discuss the massive 3rd world population boom, infact, increasing and supporting it. Moving towards electric cars with there massive carbon footprint and polluting batteries. Increasing our orders for stuff from China and India. Producing less of our own food. Concreting over farmland. Planting trees on fire risk moorland. Pushing towards intensive farming and destroying small fa
    2 points
  39. Agree with first sentence but totally disagree with second? I’ve dug to seasoned dogs with various animals in ground including rabbits and ducks! Telling a young man to PTS a young keen pup because a rabbit bolted out of a hole near where she was at wouldn’t be my advice. Keep bringing her to good active holes putting proper game in front of her. Never encourage her to go as it sounds like she certainly doesn’t need it… nice and calm around holes. The more she works the more she “should” settle. If she is to be a clown that trend will show itself over time. Then it’s up to you to see what stan
    2 points
  40. NEVER dig any terrier unless you're 100% sure it's with it's game, once you've dug them to rabbit you might as well pts, it'll only get worse
    2 points
  41. I was about 12 had my first ferret and I used to go with with my father and other chaps but I wanted somewhere I could go on my own. One day I plucked up courage to go and ask the nearest farmer who was a fox hunting man and he never let anybody on his land. I knock on the door that seemed to echo down an hallway the dog was trying to come through the door and I nearly bolted. I stood there and a grumpy farm looked down at me as I asked for permission to ferret I was shitting myself. To my surprise he said yes think I sort of ran come danced the two fields to home. Over the years we
    2 points
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