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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/22 in all areas

  1. So she turned 2 the other week there levelled off about 24 and a bawhair.. the broken leg has never hindered her, she’s lightening quick and switched on, she has an excellent nose and good feet and so far no terrain has given her any issues. few photos from the last 6 months or so, f**k knows how some are upside down
    17 points
  2. Not the time or the place to comment on the contribution that Mr. Brian Nuttall made to the development of the working terrier in many a man's kennel, but the word "gentleman" has been used. What better accolade to be given a man, any man, particularly a terrierman, in the times that we live in. R.I.P.
    9 points
  3. Teal,My Wheaton bull bitch...
    9 points
  4. Interesting reading for any dog owner YOUR DOG IS NOT A BABY Today's culture is absolutely ruining dogs. People are treating their dogs like people, and no matter how much you say it, or what you think, they're not kids, they're dogs... A predator with forty-two teeth on the head and a bite pressure that can break bones. They deserve to be treated like dogs! Somehow treating your dog like a dog has become a taboo topic and it's because of today's mentality. Can't say no to a dog. I can't go out with a dog in cold weather. Can't let a dog get muddy. Can't giv
    8 points
  5. Sad day for the terrier world one of his dogs here now retired, may Brian rest peace
    8 points
  6. It's legal, just like fox hunting and coursing used to be legal ! Tax avoidance loopholes are made by the rich and powerful, for the rich and powerful........just because it's legal, doesn't make it right. Cheers.
    7 points
  7. Used plastic barrels for yrs,decent size opening and a floor on timber runners inside,few drainage holes and the dogs are warm and dry,in the summer when it's hot they sit on top if you make a little platform ?
    7 points
  8. Yes, ..obviously we only want stock from soundly bred animals,...that goes without saying...? However,.. I maintain that many of the most successful 'end products' have not necessarily been the First cross or even the subsequent next mating, back to the greyhound or whippet ,...which , as you possibly know,.. has so often been the recommended method of breeding lurchers... Personally,.. I prefer to breed, like to like,.. and ability to ability, kinda thing,...I'm, not overly worried, about algebraic percentages,...for as you know, such things matter little in the hunting field..
    7 points
  9. Chan saluki bull greyhound 12 months old atb Longers01
    6 points
  10. All mine live in now...they are alot more content and listen better,can take them away,they don't dirty inside or in a motor,I feel I've got a better bond,the kids and Mrs will walk them when I'm at work, before they didn't know the dogs names,or how many I kept? Only downside is the noise if the door goes or ice-cream van comes up the street??
    6 points
  11. You threw the dogs ball in the bushes didn't you ?
    6 points
  12. Dan,...if you ask with respect,...there is everything, you will ever need to know about ferrets and ferreting, freely available on this unique Hunting Man's Forum...?
    6 points
  13. In my experience,.. a Beddy lurcher is equally as useful, when produced, via other working Beddy lurchers... as opposed to a genuine F1 Hybrid...? An entire generation, of running dog enthusiasts, have been brainwashed with all this First cross, Three Quarter Bred , three eighths/ five eighths,.. nomenclature. This method of categorising livestock, is ideal for the commercial producer of canines, wishing to sell a recognisable product,...but the concept frequently falls short, if pure working ability, is the prime requisite? Personally, I found that the Beddy, lurcher to lurche
    6 points
  14. My half bitch 24 inch 120 kg
    5 points
  15. Bit different when her husband is the greedy c**t though isn't it? He's happy to put up taxes on the ordinary working bod who has no chance of dodging it without getting bent over while knowing that he and his wife are doing everything possible to dodge as much as possible. Nah sorry pal that doesn't wash with me, this isn't someone sticking two fingers up at the ruling classes it's the ruling classes sticking two fingers up at us.
    5 points
  16. That's sad news,, RIP Mr Nuttal and you and the part you played are cast in stone in Terrier history..
    5 points
  17. Misses seen this on the net somewhere; the idea being that as it grows not only does it produce obviously beans/peas but it also makes a den with snacks and caterpillars/ butterflies etc.
    5 points
  18. I got me a new mount to allow my add on to be a little more forward so my neck isn't all screwed up! Except that I would like it a little bit more forward but the rings are lower than I would of liked and prevent this ? Oh well. It is better and in a pinch I can shoot it off hand if needed. After zeroing I shot of sticks and via the sytong 66 four rounds from 200yds down to 50yds in wind.
    5 points
  19. Semi common design down here for alot of peoples hunting dogs and the like. Looking at expanding my welding deal and considering making these. Not that worst thing to weld up and they sell for $950-$2000 depends if their single doubles ( I've seen them go as far as 10x stations) Just curious what are some negatives y'all can see about these....y'all are pretty good at finding negatives so figured I'd ask ?? Seriously though really curious what y'all would change even if it's not super applicable to here in the US. O and BTW sorry for not posting this in the dog channel but their like
    4 points
  20. ?Never thought I would say it,. or even think in such a way,...but nowadays, I don't really care, if a dog is good at the job or not. Financially, my status has changed a bit,...not drastically,...(we are still living in our wee terraced house), but, I don't have to worry about keeping dogs solely for work...so,.. its all about the enjoyment, the craic and the good times now..? I have foolishly allowed, my obsessional Life with Lurchers, to rule my entire being, for far too long... Time to chill out,.. and smell the coffee...?
    4 points
  21. Yes, New Moon,...Mercedes was a proper Saluki type,.. with that typical Saluki mind set...? Obviously, back in the day,.. I had never seen or handled, a Saluki type lurcher, so,.. I expected 100% ultimate obedience, and an immediate response to my whispered commands,.. and as a keen young Buck, I would countenance nothing less? Truth is, I could write an extensive article, regarding this superlative hunting jukel,...but I'll not bore my fellow posters with my old man's tales, suffice to say,.. by feck,...we took some game together.....? That old bitch was created from a union tw
    4 points
  22. ? IF, you like a dog,..it will invariably be, a good dog....? In saying that,..my best ever 'catch dog' was a bitch named Mercedes,...I disliked her attitude, and we never really jelled until she was well into her dotage.... It was never her fault, mine entirely....I was a fool...? I reckon you will be a lot wiser, and will have some grand old times...?
    4 points
  23. I’ve had one in the muck pile on the sheep farm stick your hand in, see if you can feel anything ?
    4 points
  24. I've cut it it down abit 2 save time eeare Dunt big usen up.or u could get med a c**t on usen
    4 points
  25. f**k me sideways Dave? i agree completely on that whole statement , and I'm sure millions more do too?
    4 points
  26. It said she is paying all relevant tax on her U.K. income so what’s the problem ? I f***ing loath the main parties but I honestly can’t see any problem at all, it’s the usual “I’m getting f****d so everyone should get f****d” article……so what if he has a Boeing 747 parked at home, long as he paid for it what concern is it if anyone else. I don’t have one but then again I’m not married to a multi millionaire daughter of a billionaire, I have a van and a car…..that’s life.
    4 points
  27. Personally, I think that joke is a bit limp. But its all a matter of a pinion.
    4 points
  28. Classic ??? Cheers, D.
    3 points
  29. If it was me , I would keep him away from busy dog populated areas for the time being ,try and befriend someone with an older calm bullet proof dog and meet and greet on a one to one , if pup starts playing up , end the meeting and walk away, distract with treats or squeaky toy , tuggy… what ever gets his attention most . If you can’t find an older dog , the; try and find somewhere with less dogs and keep a distance away from any dogs but keep them in sight …. On lead dogs only …… distract before your pup sees the other dog , again treats ( not normal really smelly special treats just for walk
    3 points
  30. What if …….. I put him over a coursing bitch , loads of people walking their lurchers around and about ?….. I could find a pretty one and then I’d have lots of puppies and they’d be the bestest surely ???
    3 points
  31. You know f**k all about my dogs the Russell is from working stock. The stafford is not but would put most dog to shame on here in cover trust me she's keen as f**k. I've found that the pedigree staffords are very keen alot better than them fanny no pedigree staffords. But you wouldn't know that if you've not had them.
    3 points
  32. Doubled him up with the cat for this beast ………. Ok the cat brought it home …… but Frank claimed it as his
    3 points
  33. Galguero Hasta La Muerte 16t poMnarchhr at 200le:26m · Over the years I learned, that nothing will ever be the same again, that those who one day gave up on you for a reason, are now strangers, that friends, those of a lifetime, are always with you. Over the years I learned to enjoy this hobby, not just watching the dog run behind a hare, but at any time of year. I learned that sometimes a really good galgo, from those who mark you forever, you have it very few times in life, that sometimes you have to settle for what you have and that champion galgo should be raised again.
    3 points
  34. So do you for flip sakes your Russel a house pet lap dog companion so is your staff and the running dog who gets kept on the leash fs I'd say the last thing you caught was a dose of the clap give yer head a good wobble bangers just cause you think walking a bit of ground and take pictures of deer thats not hunting thats going for walk with a dog im not even from your part of the world and id say I've dug and caught more over there than what youve took pictures of this place is full of day dreamers and your one of them see half the lads your trying to run downfor giving you an honest opinion
    3 points
  35. When Jimmy Carr was found to be using a LEGAL loophole to avoid tax, David Cameron said it was legal, but "morally reprehensible." Then when it was found that him and his wife were trust fund beneficiaries of their respective fathers LEGAL loophole offshore tax avoidance accounts, he went very quiet on the subject ! So, I reiterate, legal.......but not right. Cheers.
    3 points
  36. RIP Seen some good dogs straight from this man working.
    3 points
  37. First cross Italian greyhound x bedlington, plenty drive in them ,the one in the tree is after squirrels, it gets up and down the tree by itself, all pups from this mating have made decent little mooching dogs.
    3 points
  38. I bet the same f***ing divs would not say shit to Asians or Africans f***ing up their town…..wouldn’t dare !
    3 points
  39. Shows a bit of time and patience does the trick.
    3 points
  40. I prefer the ones with boxes over the barrels. Purely because they are better protected from the wind and cold. I see a lot of Americans have raised kennels I thought was to protect from snakes and stuff?
    3 points
  41. Brian was a good man, another old sportsman gone. R.I.P Brian.
    3 points
  42. Why are they raised up with wooden floors which will soak up piss and stink, arnt they better off and easier to make being not raised and no floor and then they go onto a concrete pad like most people do in this country ??
    3 points
  43. I don't know about books but I wouldn't believe anything about ferrets that you google. Old ferreters on here are the best source.
    3 points
  44. Young bitch pup 24”ish 66lb nearly 9 months
    3 points
  45. Some pretty dogs there fellers. Think my little bitch just turned a year old looking forward to next year
    3 points
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