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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/03/22 in all areas

  1. Mated my bitch 5 weeks ago today think shes caught,I tried to breed her this time last year but alas it wasnt to be but this time I think it's worked thank feck fingers crossed everything goes smooth but as I've learnt in the past shit can hit the fan
    12 points
  2. Found left over pastry from when I made Chicken pies Friday so made some sausage rolls and a pasty. Black Pudding sausage and bacon. Sausage meat and bacon Black pudding wrapped in bacon. Cheers Arry
    11 points
  3. Age is jest a number any one that can still have fun in the hills or on a good black windy night at 60/70 good on you I hope I will still be at it then can't see it lieing in bed with ice pack on my back lol. My dad die a year ago this month always fit and active only 74 and my mam died 4 days after him age 71 good hard working people.so make the most of your time lads and lasses young or old you never now what's round the corner. RIP mam and dad XX
    11 points
  4. Pop over to Nottingham and call Tommo a c**t ,,save all the fukin about .
    9 points
  5. Still seeing lots of jays so the endangered woodland birds need protection.
    8 points
  6. I'm at the stage in life where a good looking bird dropping the lips on you for twenty quid is money well spent.
    8 points
  7. They would have a shock if they pinched my rolex. In fairness it looks good but the date only changes once every 48 hours, need to take it back to my watch dealer in magaluff
    8 points
  8. I've been lucky enough to have been invited to do all sorts of hunting and fishing all around the world, but one invite stands out, and it was just a couple of hundred miles down the road. A pal invited me to have a go at goose shooting one September first. Four shots and a greylag, a Canada and a brace of mallard in the bag ! Please forgive the fuzzy pics, it was pre-digital cameras ! My pal was amazed, he reckoned people pay hundreds of pounds for goose shooting and don't manage a bag like that all season, never mind in one morning! Right place, right ti
    7 points
  9. I gave up the Lurcher game in the nineties for a couple of reasons. Since then i have been lucky that through circumstances and contacts i have had invites for various other things both here and abroad. I got the big game hunting bug for a while and amassed a collection of taxidermy in the process. I have had brilliant Salmon fishing, I have the right to a 3 mile stretch of river. I got the carp bug again for a while and had some great captures . I a
    7 points
  10. Bit of how's your mothering Sunday.....
    6 points
  11. 54 crows before breakfast ?
    6 points
  12. I've been called an anti on here more than once for calling out lads for posting shite they had no need to and there's been plenty of lads hitting the like button that I thought would of knew better. A lot of lads in the game have bigger egos than they have brains.
    6 points
  13. Ribs and pork belly burnt ends ?
    6 points
  14. Happy mother reverse sear 50 mins in oven before it got the flame a tosis bone in rib eye bbq day ?? pork ribs n chicken sides ?
    5 points
  15. Your on the road to a new you, well done, I ain't going to lecture on smoking or drinking because your an adult and that's down to you, but as for mindset try and restructure it if it's not to your liking, your the one that will live in your future, the life you create, make it a good one ?
    5 points
  16. When I used to lamp road siding with the Cumbria lot back in the early 90s. My old mate had a Austin Maestro van we used lamp off the back of it. The engine seized so next time I went up he said he had got a new one, well he pinched a bright yellow forestry commission van and hand painted it green and just put his number plates on it, and that was his idea of ringing it pmsl. Them boys were feral back in the day lol.
    5 points
  17. Some of the best days in my life living in that run down smelly old caravan. I remember there was a big hole in the floor right between your feet when you sat on the bog in winter were the toilet had leaked and rotted the floor. Used to wash all my clothes in the tiny sink with the kettle as hot water. Sat watching telly in winter in a sleeping bag, it was very character building at 16. But I had loads of fun on land to fly the hawks ferret and work the dogs on. I remember ferreting and also rook hawking out the hood on Marlborough downs. Also watched a Merlin lark hawking on the airbase wi
    5 points
  18. None of them can be trusted an that includes our supposed leaders,lying rats out for themselves not us.
    4 points
  19. Took dogs out for a spin after work today and thought stay local close to houses always a few things knocking about hardly any sets on this patch of ground with a beck running through so dogs can cool off having a nice walk putting few bunnies up and one dog Fox then lost sight of pup on a small banking managed to find her in a pulled out rabbit set with older bitch she baying away had to stop old dog dropping in as well five minutes later small vixen bolts from bottom of bank with pup up it’s arse and away through cover to say I’m impressed with her is a understatement definitely be ready onc
    4 points
  20. Nicholas Snow, a friend of the Parson Jack Russell hunted with a pack known as The Stars of the West. In 1889 the Hon J.L. Bathurst, took over the hounds and they were renamed the Exmoor Foxhounds. Arthur Heinemann another friend of Nicholas Snow, would further the Terriers by working them with the pack and at one time call them Porlock Terriers after his Village just down the road from Oare Manor. Here are the Exmoor Foxhounds in Porlock in 1910. The Terrier on the right seems to be one the Parson would approve of, good in leg and coat to run with the hounds.
    4 points
  21. Jocelyn Lucas badger team
    4 points
  22. There's a few tweets out now saying the footage is fake, spread by the ruskies to discredit Ukraine, the war fought on social media is every bit as dirty as the actual one in Ukraine.
    4 points
  23. I said several not seven , trust me pal between me and my son we are out 4/5 nights per week in season....I'm 56 not a kid,I don'tneed to lie about the game, plenty do it for the rest of us ?
    4 points
  24. When you know dogs have had a good day nowt hardcore just a sunny Sunday ?
    4 points
  25. Well done mate what you have achieved already is quite a feat keep it up mate. Keep us informed get some of this sun on you back good for the soul. Cheers Arry
    4 points
  26. had another 60 shots with the henry yesterday.2nd to last card was junk with a 95 so i had one last go and hit a 99.best group ever about the size of a 2p coin and shot within 20seconds.just stood there grinning like a big kid as to do this in the time i did it i think is good going
    4 points
  27. Yesterday's walk. Cheers, D.
    4 points
  28. Be walking round a gamefair topless showing his scars off ,better than a smashed up lakie
    4 points
  29. Still a few more Mexican house finch to go. Birds are in lovely condition ready for breeding. I've a pair myself thats on three eggs , two pairs that are building so won't be long till there laying.
    3 points
  30. To right nige… was out this morning with a keeper mate. people think we’re all about doing stuff for the hell of it ,couldn’t be further from the truth… this blokes all for the ground nesters and not the game birds..had a mint time mooching about in the sun:)
    3 points
  31. Between about 16 and 24 I had a bout every Saturday night nearly in various venues , nightclubs , hotels , taxi ranks , pizza shops , I lost most of them on stoppages but to be fair I blame the judges . ??
    3 points
  32. Uysk his a two weight world champion having held all four belts at cruiser weight and the undisputed cruiser weight belt then taking Joshua belts but that's some achievement after 19 fights wouldn't you say
    3 points
  33. Dulverton hunt terriers dandy and dinky 1935. Working terrier history on Facebook has some good posts for anyone interested
    3 points
  34. Gave the rimfire a good clean to day including the silencer this normally buggers up the zero so I knocked up a little target and went out to check zero, at 100 yards it looked tiny my eyes aren’t the best first shot left of the yellow square then another 2 just above and a slight tweak shot 4 in the yellow then shot 5 slight tweak again dead centre. I also whacked a couple of bunny’s as well a good head shot on one of them.
    3 points
  35. Personally,.. I like all types of working ferret, especially if they enjoy their work..?
    3 points
  36. I still get the wigji board and out and have a convo about fathom
    3 points
  37. Is ZAN your own company or do you just work for them? ?
    3 points
  38. That's awesome I've never really travelled apart from usual holiday destinations, furthest place was new York. Used to love the deer myself, but travelled up north for them. These days I love wild camping on my own, kind of nomadic lol.
    3 points
  39. You're meant to take the wrapper off first.
    3 points
  40. Some old pics of my time down there
    3 points
  41. Yeah my dads in his mid seventies now he,d still be out now if he wasnt for his knees but hopefully they've helped him abit with them and all goes well I can start getting him out again we used to do abit of rough shooting and pigeoning shooting together but unfortunately my perm was swallowed up by hs2 so I've got to try and source some more land for us to have a shot on he used to like a lamp but again he said I'm bot quick enough if we get the on top ?I said dad I dont run you know that. I just lay low creep a while and when the punks pass I smile
    3 points
  42. I like that jacket - I reckon that'd be quite decent for a bit of hide shooting
    3 points
  43. Yes very good eating. I find the smaller deer taste better.
    3 points
  44. Iam teaching three kids all season and they love getting there hands Dirty pulling rabbits out
    3 points
  45. 3 points
  46. I met an old guy years ago in saudi, he was a meat importer from New Zealand, I was in my 20's , he was in his 70's, we got talking about pig hunting and I asked if, when the dogs had an ear hold, did he grab a back leg and kill the pig with a knife ? He said did he f**k, he stood off and shot the pig with a .303 ! I asked what if he shot one of the dogs by mistake.....he said there were plenty more in the pound ! Sounds sensible to me. Cheers.
    3 points
  47. I've always hormone jabbed or used a vasectomised hob. Even then it's not no risk and while they might survive I've had two Jills die of anemia after a second season which I've let go on for too long before doing something about. I don't take chances any more and suggest you don't leave them. For the two spayed ferrets I've owned from ferret rescue, both were long-lived. That said, ask the vet on cost for the op as it's likely expensive and it maybe more cost effective to jab every year.
    2 points
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