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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/03/21 in all areas

  1. Am not opposed to gifting a few pups to mates or folk I hunt with but fcuk giving pups away to random strangers on here just for a pat on the back or a few likes! I dont care that I am not a real THL dog man ?
    10 points
  2. i get that are folk frightend to say they sold a pup fk giving them away ,do folk think it costs nothing to rear a litter /. i dont breed , but if i did im fkd if id give them away ,
    9 points
  3. misses knocked up a cake for my mates kid today. its her first attempt at this and i thought it came out really good. its victoria sponge with a biscoff buttercream, white chocolate ganache and a biscoff drip - the lad likes biscoff
    7 points
  4. All killed using 9.5mm steel this morning
    7 points
  5. Like mc hull said, the travelling restrictions have affected lads who travel to get their running done quite badly this past season with fines, been turned around etc. Here is to a better 21/22 season
    7 points
  6. I was allways of the opinion that deerhound added good feet to the deer/grey cross ? ive never had any trouble with feet problems on the few I've had. My old first cross bitch is 12 years old, has ten seasons under her belt, ran every where from the grass paddocks of Ireland to the frozen scree of the Cairngorms and never had a foot problem. She tore open a hock running bolted rabbits on the Scottish hills, but no other feet problems. just took these pics of her feet right now, and they're still looking ok; I know Deerhounds and their crosses aren't everyon
    6 points
  7. Nothing wrong with been proud of your dog bud, this place is a bit like a building site, if you bite when someone takes the piss... well it’s game over ?
    5 points
  8. My pup coming on nice i think, 4 1/2 month now, very clever quick learning pup
    5 points
  9. This year we are going to do around 60 GARDENERS DELIGHT 10 HERITAGE BLACK RUSSIAN and some Stripey b*****ds most will go in plastic bags with 9 inch of 6 year old hoss Shit topped up with 6 inch of Compost ,other than stabbing the Bags and a pinch of Slug pellets we are ready to go as soon as the ground cheers up .
    4 points
  10. These were a couple of full mornings a few weeks back.
    4 points
  11. ?We did not own the big hairy fellah..? Just used him over Irish Bred coursing bitches...they were beautiful animals,..tumbled roe for fun? Then, when I went on the rabbits for wages, I fancied a smaller jukel for the hedgerows, so we tried the whippet blood ..This brought the size right down, and many of the male pups inherited the fabulous crispy coat of the Deerhound. I liked them alongside the Beddies well enough,.but I always returned to the Herding blood composites...? Great days though... Stay safe now, kind regards, OldPhil?
    4 points
  12. Yeah mate, I've no absolute favourites and my opinions have changed over the years with the grounds I've run, the quarry I chase, the expectations I have and the amount of work they need to do. I must admit I've a soft spot for whippets, beddy's, Deerhounds, Salukis. Ive only had one collie x and it was that useless it coloured, ( quite unfairly), my opinion of the breed. Ive seen some top class bull types, nothing against them, but I've never felt they would suit my style of work. As for feet, people will say they've had or seen dogs with flat or splayed feet that were top
    4 points
  13. Typical wanking rifle boys
    4 points
  14. My oldest was out opening day just on his local rainbow dam on Sunday. He managed 12 on the fly. My good rung me Monday night and asked if he could take him away for a morning on some fresh running fish , these are something that gets Ewan excited . Destination was top secret my mate said ?, picked up at 5.30am and I started work at 7am. Around 9.30am I received my 1st clip of my boy bringing a lovely barr of silver to the bank, no a Cheshire cat never had a look in. If that wasn't enough 40mins later I had another call and he was on again..... What's the chances off that. A debt I
    4 points
  15. Makes me sick, all the gadgets nowadays,way to easy fieldcraft\ bushcraft not needed. Fat idle pigs driving around just killing things or the sake of it.
    4 points
  16. 3 points
  17. she and her family owned and ran a hotel and restaurant in adernau by the ring too, great place with a fantastic atmosphere, wont be the same in future ?
    3 points
  18. I bet it can.They bumped our numbers up and we aint got a good dog between us.
    3 points
  19. Worse to get caught with a gun armed trespass.
    3 points
  20. Look just got to ask good dog men the right questions you get a quality post ?? I don’t mind a bit a rabbiting but treban that half cross be me cup a tea lol
    3 points
  21. I use them a lot on motorway jobs as you can’t risk a rabbit running across the carriageways ........
    3 points
  22. Haha sounds legit???? who knows mate just think a lot of people are using it as a perfect excuse why they done feck all it just highlights they are shit talkers most people on here give it the big un telling people there not up to much there dogs are shit all the time to try make people feel like shit but the reality is there not at much Bit like my run in the other day with the beddy expert on here asking do I even get out ironically he must of forgot the day before he’d commented on another post saying he’d done nothing all season....bit hypocritical don’t you think ? same as t
    3 points
  23. Crottys Sam, double bred gr ch barney and l's nara, broke the Irish record and got game dog of the year, was a great dog in the yard good as gold with pups. Sadly no longer with us but we have he's mother here so hopefully breed something as good again
    3 points
  24. Looks like im the tit then, apologies all round
    3 points
  25. My guess is saluki/grey x bull/grey
    3 points
  26. A mate of mine sent me this yesterday said he nicked it off the wall of our old gym about 30 years ago....slippery f****r ?
    3 points
  27. Nice change in the weather here today.. just a few degrees make such a difference..
    3 points
  28. The original was not to our taste,.so we shrunk em down a mite..?
    3 points
  29. 6 month old 3/4 whippet 1/4 collie off flacko on here
    3 points
  30. Last nights chicken, leek and black pudding pie ? Cheers, D.
    3 points
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