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Showing content with the highest reputation on 31/12/20 in all areas

  1. Collie bull greyhound, very honest dog. Knows he's job very well, knows the sweet spot every time. Lamping him 3 night a week when the moon is right. If I had the time he would lamped 5 nights.
    16 points
  2. My ferrets live in big outside courts but with the weather being so wet this winter I decided to convert half a shed I don’t really use into an indoor area for them with a tube that connects to the outside court so they can decide where they want to be.
    10 points
  3. In my experience, you won’t train 2 pups as well as one .. plus it takes more work to find for 2, plus In 7/8 years time you’ll have 2 old retired dogs in the kennel and not one. Getting a second dog, to keep the other quiet is not really the best way to be honest.
    8 points
  4. Without haveing any wishes to be involved in this kind of shite I would just add that where i grew up he wouldn’t even be considered black he’s just a little posh privalidged prick, with a dash of the tar brush he,s very privalidged and should stick to his driving and leave the politics of hatred alone as it’s him that is generating it and no one else, and for that reason alone I can’t stand the rainbow wanker regardless of anything else he ever achieves in life sad but true and I doubt I,m alone ??
    8 points
  5. No one would suggest pts the wife mate and I.know it's easy 2 get attached 2 them ,it's almost impossible 2 pet home even a half decent wife these days and no body wants a good honest wife being passed around , I suggest dogs in the house and wife and kids will.have 2 adjust 2 kennel life ,hope this helps
    8 points
  6. "Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty we're free at last " ! Bye Bye EU ??? Cheers.
    6 points
  7. Youre in a big sea mate.......
    6 points
  8. Collie Wheaton grey x
    5 points
  9. In the light of no shoot today I decided on a walk round a little perm ive had for years .The owner is a lovely old boy and calling in to the farmhouse it was a job to get away tbh .Had to have a small dram with him as I’ve done most Yuletides .He said if I was lucky I’d push a brace of pheasants out of the tiny wood by the lagoon so head there first .Sure enough there was 7 or 8 birds on the deck which all exploded at once .The stars aligned and a hen crumpled before they broke the edge of the wood and further surprise was when a cock bird folded going away up a hedge .I’m no star shot with a
    5 points
  10. Jacob Rees Mogg ,has a serene beauty that I find irresistible.
    5 points
  11. RHD is the biggest enemy of rabbits , ferretting , shooting and snaring kill a lot but nothing compares to disease.
    5 points
  12. At the start of it when there were a few in hospital they had no end of tv coverage on the news interviewing the few lucky survivors as they left and showing people on wards, so now the MSM has suddenly began to respect people’s privacy, I don’t believe that either as there are no levels they won’t stoop to for that one photo be it a dying princess in a Paris traffic accident or some old boy on a ventilator in a ward, and as I,ve said the rows of parked up ambulances are a sign that nothing is happening and yet they are trying to say the hospitals are so crowded they are treating people in the
    5 points
  13. Got this pic this morning, the fox is curled up and the magpies and pheasant not bothered at all .....fox shot soon after.
    5 points
  14. that's providing he doesn't except he's a half breed which he his and doesn't seem to acknowledge he thinks he's black I haven't heard him talk about white family's struggling but now he wants a input in to UK affairs whilst tax dodging or earning his money from folk who employed slaves the c**t is a hypocrite
    5 points
  15. I kill the greys, to support the reds and they are coming back nicely where I am
    5 points
  16. So I bred the mother to this pup back to her grandfather my old dog. I tried natural breeding each season for 2 years straight with no pups. So I got bitch tested in season and her fertile day to be bred was day 7 my old dog was 12 so got he's sperm tested still had 85% live sperm done the artificial insemination and then bitch needed C section sat with her for 4 hours after section she was letting pups feed and cleaned them went to grab a tea after 4 hours and came back to bitch eating blue dog pup and had already eaten the black and white bitch. Just the brindle dog left. Bottle fed him ever
    4 points
  17. Hope it’s not getting boring lads ,please tell me if it is and I’ll get more up ?
    4 points
  18. Would just like to say to all the conspiracy theorists that all you say is possibly true except for the fact that people were getting infected in Carlisle three weeks ago . self isolated at home was taken to a and e post Xmas , took a downturn, was airlifted to royal Victoria infirmary Newcastle and died today leaving a wife and two kids under 12 . lad was married to a girl my wife went to school with . mid 40s. still all an illusion aye ? Do yourselves and loved ones a favour and get the jab
    4 points
  19. Sarah Palin would have gotten it.
    4 points
  20. What a cracking day!! Perfect for a beach walk... Happy New Year Folks..
    4 points
  21. All the best to you all Let's hope 2021 is better than 2020 For all of us Have a good night lads Mac
    4 points
  22. Whether it’s rabbits, hares, foxes or deer. People that try and hit big numbers every time out, using any method are bad news for future seasons.
    4 points
  23. 5th generation half x bitch
    4 points
  24. worst thing about getting dogs stolen is the not knowing whats happening with them or where they are or how they are being treated had it happen to me and its the worst thing ever hope the lads get them back safe and sound
    4 points
  25. Equality and diversity those words should set alarm bells ringing .
    4 points
  26. No not really have you heard him talk about his mum being white or why he avoids uk tax whilst earning a very good wage from known slave traders the c**ts a hypocrite I hope he crashes and burnes himself even blacker
    4 points
  27. Yes. Absolutely, without question.
    4 points
  28. Only just read this and got a few pics here of Jack who At mentioned.Good dog on any quarry pre ban.His sire,Bruno had Saluki,deerhound,greyhound and Irish terrier in him and came from Ireland off Jim King.Jack’s mum was a very fast,game Beddy/grey type bitch who belonged to a lad from our area.
    4 points
  29. I was up and out this morning having a bit rake about in some local spots with the old dog and the youngster. The old lakey let's you know if anything is home, dropped him in a 2 holer and sat back. After a bit baying and bumping and banging out came charlie. Off she went for another day, back in the house for 08:45.
    3 points
  30. Look, I was an utter prick at school and expelled at 14 and off I went to work with a massive chip on my shoulder and thinking I knew it all. But, you either stay a f***ing non starter or you screw your loaf, get your head down and strive to be better! Anyone can do this, the fact that the black community continually fail to do so en masse says more about them than it does about indigenous white people in Britain. Suck it up, its a fact ?
    3 points
  31. Covid, no covid, tier 4 or tier 404 - thats my thoughts on life regardless mate. Let others worry about things that you can't control.
    3 points
  32. Errrr.....just becoming president for a start ! If that don’t show black folks that you can be anything you want to be given the right life choices even in a country built on slavery in very recent history then I don’t know how much more empowerment anyone needs ?
    3 points
  33. I got a phone call yesterday morning to shoot the afternoon. Tier 4 was anticipated in our area and so we made the most of it. There where a few guns missing but we managed sixty eight head with what we had.
    3 points
  34. It was Aladdin’s cave to a snotty lad from Southmead mate, but strange how that little shop gave an interest in the outdoors that has lasted a lifetime ??
    3 points
  35. Just a good home for them
    3 points
  36. With the curtains shut you wouldn't find the mong and could end up shagging the couch which would probably be the better option.
    3 points
  37. Remember going into Ironmongers to buy wires rabbit or fox, purse nets or a box of cartridges, used to love the smell of the cardboard 12 bore cartridges. Even the smell of the store it self. We still have a fairly good Ironmongers where you can just one screws, bolt or catch but it don't smell the same. None of the above any more. Those indeed were the days. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  38. Theresa may did it for me I think it was the slight hump on her back as did it
    3 points
  39. I'd fck it until the neighbours started complaining about the smell
    3 points
  40. Here’s Todd.His sire was Ged.J Dillons lab/grey and mum was a small Beddy grey type who was game for her size.All good honest dogs who took a lot of various quarry.Day and night and belonged to a mate of me and All terrain
    3 points
  41. I quite like Penny Mordaunt. Her dad was an officer in the Parachute Rgiment, and she is/was in the Royal Navy Reserves. I especially like her comment about BLM; " I would like for some found guilty of vandalising such memorials, that they would spend some time in the company of our service personnel ". What a girl ! Cheers.
    3 points
  42. 3 points
  43. Me and my lad were talking about how things have changed last night . I used to do Terriers for a small foot pack and preferred lurchers catching em but did have a few guns come with us. Terriers were in the quad and no one came nosing what we were doing. The banter was brilliant no bitching just enjoying the day. If you shot and missed or worse still your Lurcher jacked on a fox then you had to stick the piss taking for the rest of the day but all banter. If we went away on an invite always popped in the local for a pint covered in dirt stinking of fox . I used to pick my mate up and his well
    3 points
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