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This isnt a joke as such but just something that tickled me......a good mate of mine is in hospital in Cambridge and ive been taking his bird up to see him a few times a week.....so this morning on the journey driving up the M11 we're talking about the footage on social media of immigrants coming in on dinghies etc.....im saying yeah its terrible bla bla bla.....and then she says........ " I dont know how they even get on motorways in the first place " " What you on about " i say "Well why do refugees need to have emergency areas on motorways they shouldnt even have cars " she s13 points
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9 points
Born in 51 and it was a good time to live. We had f**k all but far more neighbourly the back door was never locked. Made our own entertainment as kids got together buggered off to the woods all day no food or water (Drinking from a stream maybe)making camps, hide and seek, scrumping. Knocking about in the street till you got called in Lol. Catching a Rabbit or poaching a Pheasant, catching a Bass or Flounder to help feed the family. Then Terrier work and shooting as I got older, borrow the odd Salmond, Skinning Foxes for pin money. Imo the best music times from rock and roll to present day. Wo8 points
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6 points
And that’s the problem with this world. People think they need all the fancy things to live a good life. Not for me roof over my head and food on the plate is number 1. I got cheapest cars I can afford and maintain my self. Cheapest phone contract. On a 5 year old phone. People my age with everything look to be living a amazing life with the material things. But can’t afford to scratch there arse. Money spent on cars phones and other things a month would be paying a mortgage6 points
Been busy the last couple of days, so didn't get much done with this. A few coats of paint today, going to collect a sink for bird bath over the weekend Atb j5 points
It’s great when you can do what you enjoy with the kids ben? ive taken next week off and said to my two it’s a fishing and shooting week:) usually take them abroad but the bat bug put pay to that:(5 points
No pigeons but did get few crows yesterday (18) on a 5 day cut hay field. Had my daughter with me, she makes me so proud, totally in to everything & soaks it all up. This was her first retrieve!! ?5 points
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5 points
.....about my 357 Winchester 94 the other day. It was a brilliant rifle and the cartridge was amazing. Cheap to reload too. I'm now toying with the notion of swapping the 452 in WMR for a Winchester 9422m..... very tempted. Would make a nice carry rifle, maybe just get a peep for it.4 points
4 points
Let them nab away . I’ve got a clear conscience. I do everything by the book , I intend on keeping my ticket. If getting stopped or photographed is the price I’ve got to pay for a safer countryside and relatively low crime rate I’m prepared to put up with it .4 points
There is definitely a lot wrong in today's world ,but in the West there has her been a better time to be alive ,ever , Real poverty is decreasing every day ,a lot of life shortening illnesses are very nearly history ,technology has made life a whole lot easier and less time consuming ,the comfort people enjoy and opportunities people have are greater than ever ,your voice can be heard ,whatever your background . If you look hard at things that are considered problems now ,I have to ask myself ,are they really problems ? " with all it's sham ,drudgery and broken dreams , it is4 points
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4 points
I thought maybe the mid 19th to mid 20th century........ Then I remembered rickets, T.B., kids down mines and up chimneys, real poverty, ( not the type they complain about today), slums, wars where working class were just cannon fodder, no NHS or dole money; Then I think maybe today's not so bad ! LOL ! Cheers.4 points
I think it's credible I've just had an email from them, sent them my sort code, account No and a copy of my drivers licence and passport. They are guna send me a badge to show how clever I am.?3 points
Also romantic thinking how good it might have been in the past. Unless you were aristocracy I don't think it would have been that much fun. My father once told me if he never tipped his cap to the Squire his father would be threatened with being kicked out of their cottage. You were bit short of their slaves their canon folder in wars taxed too the hilt while they lived in luxury. Be thank full for what we have now, if you want to progress you can now. There was no way out back then. they were the masters. When I first worked on the buildings I nearly got the sack once. The site agent was whis3 points
One from around that time. An amateur sketch and anatomically appallingly naively drawn but more or less what he looked like. A stamp of terrier that got replaced by prettier types.3 points
I grew up right on the edge of what I regard as change for the worse .Born 65 so saw all the freedoms we had with dogs until the silly ban .Someone mentioned the internet and I’d agree this is one of the major turning points in world history .People being able to see beyond their own limitations and wanting more than is practical or achievable within their own means .If I could of lived in any century previous I know I wouldn’t of achieved what I have today though ,in travel ,work or happiness ,met the people I have or worked dogs the places I have but back then I was just as happy walking the3 points
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3 points
We are loyal to the pound and that's it in a nutshell. The more you earn the more you spend, the higher the expectations the higher the stress levels. The more time we spend on social media the less time we spend with our families. Nowadays we are busy doing f**k all with no time to appreciate what we have got.3 points
Just got my kitchen floor done yesterday. Ripped the old tiles up and put self leveling down and the tiler had the job done in no time3 points
Mid 40s to 1950, think after the war people still cared for each other had a strong sense of community and patriotism, plus you have the swinging 60s ahead of you when your at your peak, a man was still a man and catching your dinner was something to be proud of and admired, great music cars and opportunities for all ??3 points
1930s Southern England because it seems England felt like England then and was a place for Englishmen.3 points
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3 points
Just got myself new pup DDT KC etc very surprised when told the breeder i would be taking him out with the rat pack. She seem well up for it any way he 4 1/2 month now and doing ok he got my Plummers life . Why a DDT because i always fancied one simple as that my, old Westie did ok for what he is, so i let you know if he does owt. PUD2 points
I'm happy with this one,, sometimes it comes together. I will run a few prints if anyone would like one.2 points
I could be classed as a fatalist, "what will be, will be," but I don't believe your future is planned. You make decisions, they pan out or they don't. If they don't, re-assess and try a different route. Looking back, I would have loved to have been an academic, but my social background precluded that. I allways had a mechanical aptitude, even as a child with my Meccano set ! LOL ! I was lucky that my first boss when I was an apprentice must have seen something in me, and insisted I did both mechanical and electrical , and two day realise and two night school. So, yes, fate, luck2 points
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2 points
You're right ! I try not to look back through rose tinted glasses, and yes the 60's were great and I was at the right age to enjoy every moment of them, but I've seen life , in general, improve greatly since the 50's I'm pretty stoical and frugal, but happy, I have friends and family who work all hours, won't start a family because they both have to work, but both have new leased cars every three years, live in four bedroom houses thought there's just the two of them, go on exotic holidays, eat in fancy restaurants, but are up to their eyes in debt and are terrified of losing their j2 points
I guess it all depends on your outlook. I was born in 1952, some things were still rationed then, we lived in a slum in Newcastle city centre. When the slums were cleared, we were moved out to a new development only about five miles away, but it could have been another world, fresh air, grass, houses that had inside toilets, hot and cold running water, gas central heating, it was honestly like winning the lottery ! I remember my dad lining up at the shipyard or factory gate, only to be told "no work today", and dole was meant to stop you from starving, not a way of life like it2 points
They cut a field of wheat the day before yesterday. It’s part of the estate but it’s a little way above the shoot itself . The ground is well drained and it got planted last year , so harvest was at the normal time , unlike the rest of the estate which is late . I expected to see foxes on this field but all I saw was a herd of Fallow, about 15 animals. I don’t know what it’s like around other parts of the country, but the game dealers here are not taking venison at the moment. So if I do shoot some I am going to have to butcher if myself and give it away . I also managed to get2 points
Never lay ply or any wood ontop of concrete,moisture trap,and if you use 18mm ply,then adhesive,then tile your going to be up about 30,40mm depending on tile.plying is fine on joists as you have that airgap underneath.ply should only ever sit ontop of insulation,called floating floors.2 points
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2 points
They love a strange cnut in a bikini... what can I say? I oblige ?.... Ping, panties off through the power of laughter ?2 points
I might be grafting but the neighbors aren't drinking cider and sniffing coke while I'm growing veg or working I the field.. They wouldn't survive..its worth grafting to get rid of that shower of shit..2 points
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2 points
Made this journal for my wife, so she doesnt loose track of the jobs shes got lined up for me?2 points
2 points