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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/08/20 in all areas

  1. Born in 51 and it was a good time to live. We had f**k all but far more neighbourly the back door was never locked. Made our own entertainment as kids got together buggered off to the woods all day no food or water (Drinking from a stream maybe)making camps, hide and seek, scrumping. Knocking about in the street till you got called in Lol. Catching a Rabbit or poaching a Pheasant, catching a Bass or Flounder to help feed the family. Then Terrier work and shooting as I got older, borrow the odd Salmond, Skinning Foxes for pin money. Imo the best music times from rock and roll to present day. Wo
    10 points
  2. Mid 40s to 1950, think after the war people still cared for each other had a strong sense of community and patriotism, plus you have the swinging 60s ahead of you when your at your peak, a man was still a man and catching your dinner was something to be proud of and admired, great music cars and opportunities for all ??
    9 points
  3. This was him few weeks ago before he was striped. PUD
    8 points
  4. I might be grafting but the neighbors aren't drinking cider and sniffing coke while I'm growing veg or working I the field.. They wouldn't survive..its worth grafting to get rid of that shower of shit..
    6 points
  5. Just got myself new pup DDT KC etc very surprised when told the breeder i would be taking him out with the rat pack. She seem well up for it any way he 4 1/2 month now and doing ok he got my Plummers life . Why a DDT because i always fancied one simple as that my, old Westie did ok for what he is, so i let you know if he does owt. PUD
    5 points
  6. Just to replace a few O rings is about £10 if you do it your self or if you want a tune with the anti tamp taken out with adjustable one fitted is about 100 quid , if I am right in saying ratworks tune with cylinder , tune and reg is about £250 ... phil is a great bloke and knows his stuff , but imo the HW 100 in any formate does not need that type of money spent on it . i had my HW100K for about 6 years and never gone wrong and used it most night . I had it serviced a few months ago , nothing wrong with it , just thought it might be worth it , its never been touched In that t
    5 points
  7. When you find a muddy puddle under the bairns trampoline... ??
    5 points
  8. To quote Billy Connolly: " The desire to become a politician should bar you for life ever becoming one.....don't vote...it only encourages them ! " Cheers.
    5 points
  9. DONT ply it mate .It will lift trust me .Latex the floor if needed but don’t ply it out .Pva the surface when it’s dry and tile .
    4 points
  10. Raising money for a young boy to get an electric wheelchair, I was keeping one print myself but was asked to help so donated mine for their auction. ?
    4 points
  11. Is that your brother in law ?
    4 points
  12. I've ended up keeping his brother, real character, he's already retrieving little rabbit skin dummies to me, I mean, he dosent give them to me, he shows me then runs away with them, but we're getting there.
    4 points
  13. I like to put custard on my rhubarb but each to his own.
    4 points
  14. Not that long ago but I'd loved to have been around during the "golden age" of terrier work.
    4 points
  15. I'm happy with this one,, sometimes it comes together. I will run a few prints if anyone would like one.
    3 points
  16. Yes your right king and fair play for the apologies I think maxs good lady as be unnecessary been brought in to it before which is wrong but fair play you held your hands up ?
    3 points
  17. You are right enough katchum. I got a little to excited and typed before engaging my brain. So yes I apologise for the cheap shot max..
    3 points
  18. Oh its a car I honestly thought he was asking if I had relations wi a Pakistan lady before
    3 points
  19. Lot of money to spend when not needed
    3 points
  20. I don't know what you take me for....!! Teachers in school always told me I can't be the class clown all my life!!
    3 points
  21. Reet im off up to tescos now do my weekly shopping, ive got £4 30 pence in my pocket micky now im gonna fill my boots well £200 worth, if I don't appear back n this forum today, its your fault, and I will rip your liver out ta ta , oh by the way no need for me to act confused I am
    3 points
  22. Mate your older than me, just act confused when you get caught, they even help you to your car afterwards ????
    3 points
  23. Because shoplifters are normally feeding a drug habit and in a liberal left leaning world which we live in, that’s all of our fault because we choose to toe the line and graft for what we want we should also fund the poor little crack head , but the man with the sense and intelligence to be able to pop out and feed himself and his family for free from the land, is a bit of a risk to global left wing dreams of making every single one of us totally state dependant self loathing, grass on your neighbour type of citizens ?
    3 points
  24. Murder in the warehouse I work and the two young lads moaning about it being too hot I just tell them you don't know your born as it's nowt to working on a tailgate rip down the pit back in the day.??
    3 points
  25. Spare a thought me fellas - still on furlough on full pay, sat under a parasol with a horrible cold drink in the burning sun. It's murder I tell you - when the sun starts to set and the smell of honeysuckle and jasmin drift up the garden, the only consolation I have is a rum and ice to keep me going How degrading and an affront to my human rights that I occasionally have to get up to go for a pee or get something to eat . ....... there's even been 2 occasions when I've had to stop looking at at THL ? Anyway, just £3 a month from all of you will keep me
    3 points
  26. I wouldn’t buy one for rafting either ... nightmare to get a life jacket for one.
    3 points
  27. Out again today managed the one. beaten by another today it wasn't a matter of pushing the fox out as we had just missed one from the briar rose when we got to the next next patch the runners were doing their impression of the Indians circling the covered wagons . Patch the terrier took matters into his own hands and went in and grabbed the fox and boxed on for quite some time while we broke into the clump of rose, my son grabbed the foxes tail and pulled fox and dog clear and swung fox out into the open where my runners finished the job out.
    3 points
  28. Will have her out 1st sept see what shes made of after all these collie crosses are so clever some even to clever for there owners ive been told ???
    2 points
  29. Grab if you lived close enough we could chase down some dear on mi hos and cart and you could throw bull x of back ??? Not exactly primitive but a step back in years for you lol
    2 points
  30. Jesus christ! I could only take a few minutes of that. He clearly shouldn't be allowed within thirty feet of any child.
    2 points
  31. One inch belts with stainless steel buckles
    2 points
  32. Before the Internet would do lol
    2 points
  33. Leftie media playing a big hand in all this shit going down. Aussie news tells it straight and report sadly the USA China Iran loving media can’t do the same. “ peaceful beatings peaceful lootings and peaceful riots “
    2 points
  34. I'd like to have been born 100 year earlier, I'd probably have been a shrimper and life must have been so much simpler back then living off the shore and marshland. Edited to add, I wish everyone still spoke like this here too. https://sounds.bl.uk/Accents-and-dialects/Survey-of-English-dialects/021M-C0908X0044XX-1000V1
    2 points
  35. Happy to be corrected but IF there is not a Flea on that Skin the Rabbit will not catch it ! touching the infected area will do nothing , as with most Viruses inhalation can spread the disease but that requires two live animals , so i have been told .
    2 points
  36. now im due to do some shopping, cos ive bugger all in, so if I nick a couple of hundred quid of shopping they will let me off, thank you very much micky im off to tescos
    2 points
  37. My Old Remington had 24 “ barrels and handled like a dream for quick snap shooting. I went on a walked up woodcock day last year , with my 32” +external Teague chokes which make it really 33” MK38 . Although heavy I soon got used to having to pushing that big harder to swing on the birds that flushed near me . But I’m glad I had it for those distant crossers and long range birds . But some of the really close quick birds were impossible with that gun . But on balance I think I preferred to shoot the longer stuff and I just like to stick to one gun for everything now , even if it me
    2 points
  38. Pups are coming on now. Seeing a bit of unintentional action thanks to their mum. I took mine on a canoeing and camping trip over the weekend and she took to it like a pro. Couldn't quite retrieve the catapulted pigeon but had a go
    2 points
  39. Agree with you , I can speak from experience as I’ve had a Beretta A303 and a remy 1100 , both second hand , both cycled everything . If I had to choose one I’d have the Beretta. Not speaking from experience, but anecdotally. The new Brownings and Winchester semi autos take some beating . I don’t have an auto at the moment but you have got me thinking. I only have my Miroku which I use on game and clays . I should get one for fox bolting and fox drives . And the odd bit of wildfowling . Got to say I’m not a fan of semi autos on the clay ground as they spit the cases a
    2 points
  40. I've had a bottle of Henry westons cider every night on the way home with this heat.... Im no good for f**k all after mind?nothing quenches your thirst like the apples?
    2 points
  41. When I moved here everyone was raving about poutine. I was like YES moonshine bring it on until someone explained its fckn chips gravy and cheese curds. Sooo much disappointment my mates missus brews hooch and keeps it at the 40% mark. Jesus have I been wrecked on that. I have one photo of me after a sess and I looked like I have had a stroke
    2 points
  42. I've a bsa super10 I'm looking to move on
    2 points
  43. I was only having that conversation the other day with a black fella ive known most of my life....he said do you remember when we all used to rip the piss out of each other and it didnt really get above lukewarm......." the humour has definitely gone out of community race hate " he said ?
    2 points
  44. Like i say have you not been paying attention ?....blacks have been kicking the shit out of random white people with impunity while white children saying hurty words about blacks on the internet are getting their doors taken off the hinges.......level the playing field and you,ll see the type of confrontations you speak of.....but blacks are a fragile delicate species that must be protected.
    2 points
  45. Was your beach party cancelled mushroom
    2 points
  46. Are you talking about muscle memory brother ?.......that is definitely a thing. Quick people’s twitch muscles will always function higher than slow people, even into their dotage........if you are quick you will always be quick, slower than you were but still quick compared to lots.
    2 points
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