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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/03/20 in all areas

  1. Just spent 4 hrs in the shed, sorting through my fishing shit..... Found shit I've not seen for 15 yrs or more ?
    11 points
  2. If you've ever done the asbestos awareness course the first thing on and last thing off is the mask... so I think Chid is looking at this in exactly the same way, general ppe procedure. Plus you should have a face fit test on a mask etc etc... But you're completely right you are making every effort when half the fuckers are sneezing on the veg you're buying... My mrs had to go to the hospital yesterday for an iron infusion, fully isolated ward, I gave her a ffp3 asbestos standard dust mask, she felt a twat but wore it... Whilst she was at the hospital I went and done a shop
    9 points
  3. I live with my "partner" and basically we can't stand each other don't even have sex but we have a 3yr old together but I just stay for his sake. I'm not a moaning c**t but it's getting unbearable. In a moment of madness I agreed to let her 15year old niece move in, about 4 weeks she said she wanted a few friends round for her birthday. I couldn't be doing with it so I stopped at parents house for the night turns out she invited 40+ people to my house to trash it. Not spoke to her since the little fat c**t
    8 points
  4. This is the second go at marriage for both of us and we dont have kids together but its only now im realising just how f****n hard marriage is ! ....its always been great before but now we are passing each other in the hallway with a look of " oh no not you again " ?.....a couple of times we,ve just looked at each other and burst into laughter because we dont know what to talk about next its like we've just started dating again ?....we often get like this when we go on holiday after a few weeks its like we both cant wait to get back to our pals and do normal stuff again.....it dont help that i
    8 points
  5. Am i the only one finding all this a bit of a testing time on the marriage....dont get me wrong i think the world of the bird but im just getting sick of her being around all the time....im sure she thinks the same about me so its no marriage breaker.....couples need their space and we probably have more than most ?...but theres only so much sex you can have before you have to start having conversations...... and even thats starting to dry up now ..........it wouldnt be so bad but she dont even understand the offside rule !!
    8 points
  6. A suspected Covid-19 male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. A young female Nurse appears and gives him a partial sponge bath. "Nurse,"' he mumbles from behind the mask, "Are my testicles black?" Embarrassed, the young Nurse replies, "I don't know, Sir. I'm only here to wash your upper body and feet." He struggles to ask again, "Nurse, please check for me. Are my testicles black?" Concerned that he might elevate his blood pressure and heart rate from worrying about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and pulls back t
    8 points
  7. 8 points
  8. My eldest made banana bread yesterday... had it before bed last night with a cuppa and for breakfast this morning... I could get used to this, next time you see me I'll be 20st lol.
    7 points
  9. Hi guys , how are you all doing ? Hope my old mates , Sausage , Stavross, BenBhoy , Si , David , Ian M , Walshie, longshanx , and any one else that I haven’t mentioned . Just thought I’d check in with you guys . Hope you are are all well ? Ive been thinking what to write ! But where do I start ? I’ve been controlling foxes . But only on the egg producers. The shoot can wait !!!!! I’ve been reading some posts without signing in . Bottom line ? I contacted my firearms dept to see where I stood, as I have lambing and chicken farms to look after , not to mention my shoot . The reply was , if
    7 points
  10. I’m friendly with a local keeper , and his wife is friendly with my wife . I have not long ago started reloading my own bullets .. The primary reasons are in this order 1) accuracy (2 cost ( (3 availability. My wife went for a “ Costa “ vastly over priced coffee with my mates wife , during which she said “ oh , J@@n is waisting his time reloading, An”@ny just buys his and it’s just as cheap and just as accurate. Imagine how smug and self justified I felt when he rang to ask if I could reload some bullets for him , because the gun shop was shut and he didn’t know when it would open again!!!
    6 points
  11. Had to sell the SuperTen. Money got very tight. But got something better to replace it. Who doesn't love a Winchester action? And I am committing heresy against myself. I now own A Diana!!! Made when I was 12 years old.... An Original 45, made in 1981, but not in the usual calibre you would suspect. Not .177 or .22 but the one in the middle, I have a twenty cal...
    6 points
  12. A dig for false peds sammy
    6 points
  13. Bit of a laugh from someone on lockdown Atb j
    6 points
  14. Just finished it off couple of coats of super glue on the fork and a little lanyard made from paracord and some bits of roe antler I had 20mm tbg straight, might write John Webb on the handle and put it on eBay for £250 ??
    6 points
  15. A few catches from this season https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvnUi9mv-iM
    5 points
  16. Few photos of the dogs
    5 points
  17. Spent the day with my lad getting an outdoor gym started down the smallholding
    5 points
  18. Me and my Mrs are a bit odd I suppose in that we moved in together after about 2 weeks of meeting and have hardly had a day apart in 25 years, before kids it was fairly standard in as much as she went to her work and I went to mine type thing but as soon as we had kids she came to work for me and we have spent almost every single day in each other’s company for the last 18 years !! So for us, it’s business as usual !
    5 points
  19. Pup out for a dander, she looks a lot smaller in the pics lol
    5 points
  20. Iv never eaten so well haha no takeaways no chip shops healthiest my diets been since I was a kid , the only thing getting me is the dog walking I live smack bang in the middle of a town so can’t really get anywhere with the dogs now there cracking down on the travelling to walk , and no one told me how much hard work the little one would be I’m not a inside person so stuck in the house all day is driving me around the Bend only so many times I can tie a carp rig or re arrange my fishing stuff
    5 points
  21. I was lucky when I started reloading. Just after I got the gear and a 222 I started rabbit clearing on a shooting estate and foxing with the keeper. The gaffer, now gone, told me to just give him the receipt for any ammo or components. Shot thousands of rabbits to keep them off the huge tree plantations. I acquired pounds and pounds of powder, thousands of primers, tonnes of brass and bullets. Rimfire and shot shells. I shot for over a decade off the back of those few years on the estate! I was in my twenties, no wages but fuel and firewood and the rabbits were mine. I did
    5 points
  22. Good to hear from you old friend. Good to hear more common sense from you too ? I have a job on at the moment on the chucks. Got these two rascals conning in. Think this is one of them. Just going look for the other. Then it's visiting the earth to tidy up!
    5 points
  23. I wish I could say the same
    5 points
  24. I saw a post on Instagram bloke was laughing about leaving his dog in the field because it had jacked on a hare despite the fact the dog had already had a 10 minute course and then with 15 minutes rest he ran the dog again and after 4-5 minutes the dog gave up and he just left it there. Posted pictures the next day of someone saying they had found a lost dog with laughing faces saying that’s his dog. Disgraceful, dog was probably either injured or just knackered. Disgusted someone could do that to their dog, people like that don’t deserve dogs.
    5 points
  25. it's been going on for a long time now breeding for colours ect pets4homes and gumtree was flooded with them and blue ones selling for more people breeding just to get blues, I'm gonna be very honest I dont think there worth the price tag as a pup, it's the hours training in them that adds value (been sold 6m/1yr) but going picking out a 8 week old pup paying 1,000+ I think is over priced but that's the market price for a well bred one. It's about the money not the dogs anymore worse thing that could of happened was that Mali going on the mission to kill osama bin laden with the navy seal
    5 points
  26. I'm still working but Mrs is off, she's walking the dogs fair play and she'd found two more new pastimes, cleaning up and starting arguements with people on Facebook ? Cheers, D.
    4 points
  27. I think this will be the start of something good for you Ben and my farmer mates, we are only a couple of weeks into this now and it has completely changed the way I shop and feed myself, I use 2 local butchers, a local fruit and veg supplier ( who has had to change because he supplied restaurants) I even have a spud and egg man, this is what we should of been doing all along supporting our local community, keep up the good work mate ?
    4 points
  28. Hope your right mate. All our lamb & beef goes through our farmshop or to local pubs, restaurants & a couple of schools. We don't sell to markets, everything goes dead so we are absolutely reliant on people buying local, basically it pays my wages. Have seen a astronomic increase in custom in the shop these past 3 weeks. Really hope some of the new customers can see/taste the quality and the fact they can see the animal's right there in front of them. Our cattle are slaughtered about 35 minutes away, and the lambs are killed in same village as farm, about 0.75 food miles!!
    4 points
  29. How long did anyone think it was going to take?.....I think 6 months is pretty optimistic, my feelings are this is in for the year and we better get our head round it.
    4 points
  30. I've got plenty of work at the moment. Not sure how it will play out medium to long term but the genie's out of the bottle now. We're all taking this ride whether we like it or not!
    4 points
  31. Uk farming is more essential than ever Ben ,all the supermarkets focus on cheap imports well thats gone south hasnt it .Local lamb and beef and pork doesnt travel over a 1000 miles and pass through lots of infected hands to spread the latest virus. We are just watching are last leg of Welsh Hill mutton slow cooking ,but cant go and fetch anymore from my friends in Snowdonia so it,l be Venison n Pork or Beef for a while . The way we all shop and view food has changed forever and this will sink in to the great unwashed ,Farm shops and local with be king again imho and god help us all H
    4 points
  32. Sam was also bred to tonic and produce rum a red dog which a friend of mind bought for 300 with trail ,we entered dog at 2 o clock in an earth just outside Ck on suir on side of slievenamon mountain we got him out at 3 o clock nex morning,the collar fail after few hours old box ,we entre an other dog to try and locate rum a dog called scrappy out of booths tonic and pd bitch ,we dug him on a totally different ?,a good few old dog men from Ck came out that night to help,rum had service a bitch before been bought which produce a very good litter of working dogs,rum was lbuy in one both dog and g
    4 points
  33. Their not dog men....Their just supposed men with dogs!! Retarded fukcwits the lot of them!!! Atb
    4 points
  34. Few of the pups out of troy
    4 points
  35. I use Lynx body spray for protection against women and young girls. So far it has worked 100%.
    4 points
  36. I hope this is the right place to post this.I bowfish during spring and summer in the same swamps I dig in the winter.Hope y'all enjoy.
    3 points
  37. If I was married to his Mrs I would do most things alone too ?
    3 points
  38. You cant go wrong with a rottie, mine has just turned 14months , one of the best gaurd dogs i have owned.
    3 points
  39. A young prospect for the future.
    3 points
  40. Maggie and Sammy were bred offbspike who was son of Af Sam who was half Levi oaks border half nutall bred in the north ,misty from what I remember was out of B GL breeding, sparkly was bred off AC Bob and of his breeding which I found out in latter years and confirm buyer previous owner son ,her real name was Queenie ,they were 4 pups on litter ,2 dogs 2 bitches one bitch I gave to ray walker r.i.p who he bred back to a nuttall dog and he sent me back Wally out of litter ,other pup was sent to cork he got kill in kennell fight ,fatman ur dog is out of Maggie bred back to ac dog ,when I went ou
    3 points
  41. We would listen to this every year at the rorkes drift dinner night in the warrant officers and sergeants mess .... spine tingling when the music starts .......
    3 points
  42. Idiots,trouble is thiers loads of them,mainly pikeys,see them round here trying to sell the best dog in the world,next day you hear they dumped it,disgusting.
    3 points
  43. I know where you are coming from but i must reiterate the fact that decent owners don,t ditch dogs and whomever owns the land would not encourage them to do so.Some folk would sacrifice an awful lot for their charges,the shallow lurcher owning shite about would,nt sacrifice their lack of dignity.
    3 points
  44. Lurchers are lost for all sorts of reasons and better owners than me have been unfortunate enough to lose a much valued,non monetary,mutt through circumstance.They strive with every endeavour to get the dog back and often do.The shitehawks that ditch them are another matter.
    3 points
  45. Bernard sausage put some pants on for gods sake ?
    3 points
  46. gibbo I just put down two months ago my 14 year old Greyhound bitch who was still catching bunnies and squirrels a year ago. Me and most of my extended family have always had Lurchers and Terriers ,so when my 3/4 Greyhound Collie died I thought I would try a pure bred Greyhound. I thought if I bring it up with Lurchers and Terriers ,I would be able to train her just like a Lurcher I accepted it wouldn't be the brightest but I didn't need a dog that could read just catch stuff and bring it back to me. Catch stuff she did, she also surprised me how good a nose she had, ne
    3 points
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