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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/02/20 in all areas

  1. A quick one before college during the week?
    19 points
  2. After much though we have decided to line our bitch with our well bred hound x dog .he has an exceptional voice when on and will face all cover like the brian dog lines.unfortunatly brian isn't getting any younger and has just gone 9 .although very fit and has plenty of life left in him .there will be a time when he is finished. Hopefully the bitch takes and we have some young fresh blood .??
    10 points
  3. Even though it’s windy and a little bit rainy, I thought I’d treat myself to a walk out after a bit of ferret food for a mate, on arrival I realised that the wind was a little bit stronger than I was expecting, cutting through the valley and blowing straight at me, still making the best of it I managed 7 for 12 shots, in my defence a few of them were at a fair distance and with the wind buffering me that was my excuse for a miss or two, after gathering the 3 for my mate and placing the other 4 in strategic places as bait for a future fox shooting trip I headed for home, for a whiskey ? and a w
    9 points
  4. I have had every type of deer that Britain has to offer right from chinkys to a red stag tell the truth I got most of them with my old coursing dog Rio... he drop a 186 in one season but I never had a red stag with him ..I have had everything but more roe deer than any thing else ...he did 8 Chinese water deer in one night we got 5 sika stags one night with him and beddy greyhound av done fallow bucks with them a done 7 that season with him and my old beddy cross but day time roe and fallow were my favourite thought sika easy were like catching sheep to tell the truth easy the just rolled ove
    9 points
  5. It's fair to say iv been at this game a long time now ...my earliest memories are of me and me dad out the the dogs and still to this day he comes out with me and he is 71 .... I have had some of the best times of my life at this dog game wouldn't change it for the world
    7 points
  6. A good little do this morning, started at 9 am and was finished before 11 am https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y5baJv1C9I
    6 points
  7. 2 of my close mates lost a parent to suicide...they have struggled with it ever since.. one was only 14 when his mum topped herself, must be a terrible place to be when you can see no other way out but death... I agree that for most of us this seems a cop.out and an extremely selfish act... but the mind can be a terrible thing, I feel sorry for anyone who makes such a terrible decision.... I feel even more sorry for those left behind...
    6 points
  8. That is a bit of a simplistic view of this. It ain't like she was up for treason. Only common assault. The boyfriend didn't want to press charges anyway. It was plod. First offense, smack on hands and sent for councilling She had problems like a lot of people. being in the spotlight with cameramen waiting at every turn being bullied on social media with even death threats from internet nutters cant be easy. like the royals find. I suppose it could be argued that if you choose to make a good living as a celebrity you run the risk of infuriating the mob and having it turn on you. The very
    6 points
  9. 6 points
  10. ill blame the crap weather and bad back for this! had Wednesday off work due to the crap weather and met up with me fox bashing pal as he'd been rained off to.. we met up at the pig farm thats surrounded by loads of separate woods geared up for a syndicate shoot, we cant shoot these woods during the season so its green light time. so we set off with a shotgun each and walked opposite parallels of the woods, theres loads of crows due to there love of pig sh1t and plenty of Woodys and a few squirrels! you'd think there were loads of squirrels when you see the state of some
    5 points
  11. My one, she's a tough little bitch
    5 points
  12. Hmmmm decisions decisions ?
    5 points
  13. All people and situations are different, sometimes giving the head a wobble and cracking on can be a good thing but for others it can lead to a life time of torture no one knows what each individual is going through or what they can do about it if they've really hit the bottom, for some people sometimes there really is no way out.
    4 points
  14. Had a couple hours wi the old bitch in storm Dennis lol had 5 tbf I'm delighted ?
    4 points
  15. Right I’ll try and get back to all of your posts in a oner. I find it very unusual that the cozzers were pressing ahead with this which i think means that the level of violence used means that the coppers has to be seen to do something. If her and her fella split what was to say the next time she meant mental with another guy that lamp wouldn’t be a knife? I don’t see any media bullying whatsoever , in fact I find the support she had quite sickening from high profile figures as if she been male and doing that to females they would have hung her out to dry. I see some high pro
    4 points
  16. did i quote her in my post stiffy,there was 6500 suicides in the uk last year..how many of them were facing a court case..and how many were down to mental health issues..
    4 points
  17. “So now the champagne bottle “??? stupid c**t
    4 points
  18. 3/8 5/8 bull grey 27" he does what ever I've asked of him. Marks 100% excellent temperament. A pleasure to own.very laid back but switched on once out of the house. I should of taken the other pup in the litter aswell.
    4 points
  19. 4 points
  20. Could’ve done with a drop of gravy, other than that it was delicious ? ?
    4 points
  21. here’s a pic of a munty buck if you can make it out. There like rabbits round by us. As I have thermal I can easily go out for 4 hours lamping and spot 5,6,7. Like people say they do mainly stick to the edges and dikes but they often venture out aswel. They are tough little fuckers for there size but for me if a dog had one out in the field they shouldn’t really get away unless close to cover as they will just put there heads down and smash whatever’s in there way. I’m sure they would try and go through a brick wall if that was what was in front of them, I find them quite thick to be honest. Y
    4 points
  22. Had these saved on an old phone from back then to show a lad at work. Cool as f uk. Lol.
    4 points
  23. Here's a munty so you can see the size of them jetro
    4 points
  24. I`ll flip the coin the other way if you will allow. Yes, I too have owned many of the rifles already mentioned and spent the money we have all spent but just look at the sheer freedom of life we are all still living because of shooting. All that stress, anxiety and sh%t that modern living brings, my hunting life wraps me into natures arms and takes me away from all that, - seriously. The thousands of hours I put into training my gun dog Kaiser, I just love it. So after putting my poetry book down, which
    4 points
  25. Stunt, D.E. & Doc are still around but they use FB groups. Still running coyotes too.
    4 points
  26. We used to have a good foreign contingent. Dan Edwards, Uphill Doc and Stuntman putting you loads of stuff on yotes with stags, that Canadian guy with the yote hounds, and Ned Makim putting up epic threads on hunting big boars in oz. Now we have a load of guys arguing about terrier peds. Re the honey badger - there was a video on YouTube of them steaming across the desert in it after yotes but I can’t find it anymore. I wonder what those guys are all doing now,much the same I expect.
    4 points
  27. Re Yote dogs and trucks. Anyone who’s been on here a while (10 years?) remember the honey badger????
    4 points
  28. Jimmy Greaves's son .. Is this the real deak...
    4 points
  29. Old skool gold seal... Rolls into a fat slug?
    3 points
  30. Kids are out for the night, Mrs is in work, my chores are finished so I'm kicking back?
    3 points
  31. Quality FP. Hope she takes. Once the kids have flown the nest and I can afford to work a bit less I will look to get a couple of dogs bred similar. Spend my days on the moors and mountains.
    3 points
  32. Thanks anyway mate but they,re back tomorrow it was only a 4 night city break thing.....he,s really enjoyed the place been to a couple of nice restaurants had a nice steak in the Cargolet one you recommended....he,s done most of his dough trying to beat the Robokeeper outside the Nou Camp ?....5 Euros for 3 shots ?....he,s a decent left back as well. They spent a day round the harbour,i didnt know there was an aquarium there....might have a few days over there myself in the summer. Thanks for your help Mushroom all in all they,ve had a good time....oh,and he's cracked the case ?
    3 points
  33. https://images.app.goo.gl/jCnnaPK8iutdUvYw6
    3 points
  34. Thanks. Lovely looking pure. I had this dog below, off Khan a while back, he was a nice pure, but got killed on the road unfortunately 3 years ago, have not had one since. !
    3 points
  35. Wouldn’t bother making the trip down lads ?
    3 points
  36. Them munties live absalutely any where ive saw them in places people couldnt imagine little smidges of Waiste land covered in long grass bushes etc they will thrive they love bracken gorse and lorrals and they'll hide in goose grass and fern ?
    3 points
  37. Munties live in on arable with good hedges and semi woodland and some do really well in towns and cities where the houses have big gardens.Iv'e seen them in the middle of both Ipswich and Norwich as well as many other small market towns in suffolk and norfolk ,the chinks in east anglia stay on or around wet land or river course land. Chinks on arable land are silly easy and a cur can pull them,run them on a semi flooded water meadow and your'll see how much gas is in your dogs tanks as they spin like a hare and run like jesus across water. The hair on a chink is triangular in shape rathe
    3 points
  38. That's true. What they do here is, as well as the plate, is send out this box of envelops, for you to put your money into. With holy days on differant colours for a bit extra. What I can't understand is, it's the church's job so to speak, to save your soul, for God. To help the sick and the suffering, the less fortunate and needy. They are supposedly to have less and give more, to thoes that need it. But you have to pay, to baptise your child, for your marriage , for a funeral, and mass for the dead. Can't see what all that money has to with religion. Atb j
    3 points
  39. I would love a go of that mate will have a look on YouTube now. I would drive around all day.. This is the first video I found. When those dogs are sounding to go the old heart starts beating a bit lol. I've never seen that type of hunting before.the land is amazing just endless.
    3 points
  40. 3 points
  41. I enjoyed this dig, the first time my youngest lad dug with me.......and sadly the last, beer and fanny took hold and he was lost to the cause
    3 points
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