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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/01/19 in all areas

  1. i dug out some old photos and after loads of messing about i have learned how to scan them, hope some of you are interested
    28 points
  2. If I were you mate,I would put this in the air gun section that's where all the badass mofkers chill out between missions .
    8 points
  3. In the interest of balance, Diane abbot is as racist as you can be, a white person would be lynched for making the same statements if colours were reversed, she is an enemy of democracy and is payed for by the public, so A the public have the right to call her what they want, as she is by title a public servant B how the f**k can anyone who values the basic principles of this country support someone that desperately wants to destroy them and turn England into a third world slum , there is no comparison between the two, I wish there was a f**k off emogy you would recieve one
    7 points
  4. i'm pretty sure they know how deep they are and it doesn't bother a good terrier the longer it takes you the better as far as they are concerned and as far as the dog getting a reward , if i have time with a pup , i get to them as fast as i can , shot the quarry and let them rag it hopefully to the point they are lay on top of it knackered , after that a good terrier needs no reward, some people portray the terrier as if its lassie helping its owner , a good terrier would f**k off on its own and kill itself working , they are not doing it for us they do it for themselves , when they lock on an
    7 points
  5. Did you go out with Tommy McPhee?My cousin lives near Thurso,still rabbits about but nothing in number the way it used to be.
    6 points
  6. 14meter tides near me this morning so a little walk along the foreshore to see what had washed up( durex ,old clipper lighters and syringes sadly) as it was a short walk by normal standards left me lizard out running round the room and when I returned sun was beaming on the dogs bed lizard was enjoying the warmth and comfort but dogs wanted in on the only bit of sun in the room
    6 points
  7. First thing about bean club we don't talk about bean club
    6 points
  8. After a right bloody hailstorm this morning i donned me boots and jacket and had a wander in the sun on a nice little paddock perm with the 99. Loads of bunnies about but very skittish today for some reason. 1st one popped out of the brambles at 45 yards and i clean missed him coz i completely forgot windage. 2nd appeared about 15 minutes later at 33 yards so bang on zero and over he went. 3rd was across the paddock at 47 yards so at 9x zoom, a gnats whisker over 1 mildot with a slight correction for windage and over he went too. This 99 hasnt missed a beat yet, its ju
    5 points
  9. The last time we went we struggled to get a couple of hundred, but this pic is from one of the earlier trips
    5 points
  10. My question is, what the f*ck are these c*nts doing here in the first place.???
    5 points
  11. Well put Rob, the best digging dogs I’ve seen had little or no interest in a dead fox. And some of the shittiest, cowardly dogs I’ve seen would rag one like it’s life depended on it. Edited to add, when it was legal we would always let the quarry run, I often thought it fired the dog up more than just shoot and give a rag.
    5 points
  12. I don’t agree with that Glyn. I think the odd terrier that is totally mute and reckless will maybe do what you say. But the average working terrier is in some way working for it’s owner as much as itself. I think that’s the main idea of digging pups in easy spots, to get them in to the routine of entering, working, being dug to (repeat, repeat and so on). Until it’s second nature to them and they have total trust in you that you’ll be digging them whether they’re in 10 minutes or 5 hours.
    5 points
  13. I opened the front door and took the first pic then headed up for a look around.
    5 points
  14. Out for nearly 4 hours today for ferals and seen none but i got a shot on a squirrel about 30mtrs away, first one for a while.
    4 points
  15. In my opinion you never see The best of a dog until you’ve done a season or two together anyway and it’s because you both grow in confidence and experience together as a team.
    4 points
  16. Come on lads seriously educated game in a big place could easily make a young dog look very foolish the gamble can pay of and he should stay and see it out but it can just as easy go the other way.
    4 points
  17. When I'm looking for the dragon I ask the kids and they usually say she's in the kitchen emptying the dishwasher ?
    4 points
  18. that shits still going on......some dirty c**t got my mates niece pregnant....she has severe autism was in some sheltered housing unit with carers ....ended up pregnant ....wasn't allowed to keep it.....my mate and his wife adopted little Ben so he didn't have to go in to care....they been trying for their own for over 10 yrs with no luck.....big respect to my mate....you look after your own?
    4 points
  19. I can't be dealing with the PMs from Walshie asking what pellets are the best for getting 5p sized group at 30yrds any more It was ok at first but, now he's asking about washing, weighing and lubing. .......... Can anyone with any helpful info please send him a PM with your thoughts on the matter. Thanks in advance chaps
    4 points
  20. You have to love the 99,s! Yes I know there is the gauling issue, but other than that.... Here's my two, one in each flavour. The one in the cs stock is just waiting to have the foresight ramps taken down, and then the beautiful slimtech style reflex barrel weight made by one of my very talented mates, can go on. This will I hope you agree make a great looking handy rifle.
    4 points
  21. Same cross, hard as nails and missed deeply, killed in action far too young
    4 points
  22. i've been at this long enough that i only enter a pup where i'm in full control which means no great depth , which as much for my benefit so i can stay in control if a pup enters finds engauges i expect it to stay yes , i find with the very best when entering them you are often trying to save them form themselves , if a terrier is working i'll leave it there for some time if getting a rough deal i step in , just because they are selfish little b*****ds doesn't mean i have to be , because i'm the Brains or to hope to be of the operation there to rescue my terrier if he gets him sevles in d
    4 points
  23. I know that's aimed at born.....but I'm going to answer what I think..... yes there is life on other planets somewhere in our universe ....it might be simple life...like bacteria or it might be highly evolved more intelegent than ourselfs.... but if I'm honest I don't think they are traveling here...I think the timescale is to long...it takes hundreds of years at near light speed to get to other planets that might hold life... just my opinion....... over the years on these threads I have said the same thing.......governements throughout the world must love the ufo conspirac
    4 points
  24. Spot on RH.I personally think even the best of digging dogs would soon start coming off quicker and quicker if you was to keep allowing them to go to ground without digging them.Im not saying they do it to please their owner but i difinately think they see you as a teammate.
    4 points
  25. Been really busy lately with work and other things so not been on ! Seasons not been as good as the last but working away no so getting some lamping done ! My gwpx pup is going really well pretty chuffed with her so far bag a few bits on the lamp with her she’s a big powerful bitch now !!
    4 points
  26. I’ve never rewarded, as soon as I’ve broke through I remove the dog, his job is done and he should be keen to go again regardless if he’s had a shake of a carcass. Sure some lads do it differently and let the dogs rag a carcass but I don’t see the need, seen a few good dogs that wouldn’t bother with a dead fox.
    4 points
  27. My good mate who is the hill shepherd sorted a day out for us today, great day for hunting and all dogs done brilliant, real hard going for them 2 out and 2 shot ,happy farmer ,as he gets murdered when lambing on ,,got another farm to do next door next weekend ,happy days ,
    4 points
  28. A young up n coming boxer has to learn his trade so he starts easy to get the feel, smell,sensations of what’s expected of him, he certainly isn’t put up against hw champ in his 1st bout, he should be put into situations according to his ability and the more he learns the higher and better he should progress, and keep winning, why should it be any different to dogs?
    3 points
  29. Johnson is a buffoon with a brain, he is a million miles ahead of Abbot, even though he does put his foot in it a times. Abbot is a racist idiot with no brains at all, she is a constant amazement to me. How on earth has she conned her electorate for so long, and as she is a leading parliamentary member in the Labour party it simply shows them to be the rabble they are!
    3 points
  30. had some good days on the rabbits up Bonny Scotland over the yrs?
    3 points
  31. You're welcome to a day out whenever it suits Glyn, I've got nothing to hide or fear. Just because I don't expect instant results or legends from day one doesn't mean I don't own one, they all have to have hours in the classroom to make the animals they become.
    3 points
  32. I’d be very disappointed if a young dog came away on a 8 ft dig even if it was his first.
    3 points
  33. For that's just Daniel Cain
    3 points
  34. No two dogs are the same, I've had some that work for themselves, mainly dog rather than bitches. I was once sent a dog that was way to hard for a well know terrier man from down south. The dog was dug to on the morning he landed and he was just as daft as I'd been told, although he'd got away with it on this occasion. When I got back to the kennels (you'll know the place Glyn) he got into it with my lurcher, long story short he ran off and went to ground in a big badger sett at the top of the field. This place is right on a footpath, no chance I could of quickly had him out, no harm done.
    3 points
  35. A job there would save me a fortune in rohypnol.... ??
    3 points
  36. We used to trave[ up and stay for a week, we stayed in a cottage on a farm the place was stuffed with rabbits, four of us 7 dogs and 7 ferrets and take over a thousand in the week, if you went in the pub the farmers were nearly falling out with each other over whose land we were going on next, this was before the great plummer moved up there and fck it by telling the whole world about it
    3 points
  37. You should fit in well then..........??
    3 points
  38. Thanks for your help anyway!!!! A simple no would of done!! Wanker!!!!!!
    3 points
  39. This is exactly why I'm a cabinet maker
    3 points
  40. Bottom line is they probs not get caught and if they did the snowflake brigade would defend them and nowt will happen FACT
    3 points
  41. Alright for you lads, I'm getting phone calls as well from the fooker ffs ??
    3 points
  42. My next season's hopeful as just had me rhubarb crumble off t side little b*****d a wer lookin forward too it an all
    3 points
  43. My 3/4 grey/1/4 bull bitch 7 months old now starting to take shape, ticking all the boxes although not the brightest pup iv ever had ?, fingers crossed she ll make the grade, cheers
    2 points
  44. One more for the freezer 1 slip 1 catch taking well to this lamping malarkey brought back live to hand
    2 points
  45. Hope you put your thermals on mate ? it's Fukien snowing down here I'll take my thoughts back about lads from the north been ard , NO there's definitely hard and fookin mad ? Good luck lads
    2 points
  46. Sorry I,m not in Yorkshire, but recon it will be the same anywhere, I have a huge tidal river outside my house and about 8 mile up the road there is a large weir were it meets the fresh water, this weir is in an industrial estate, but you can go through it and cast off the wall, the sea trout sit there waiting for the rain or a high tide to take them up over the weir, it’s free fishing almost out the car window and a dozen sea trout a night on spinners is possible ???
    2 points
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