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    Shovel shy


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    Black neck


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  4. si brown

    si brown


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/01/19 in Posts

  1. Dug two today.bitch on the left was dug early in the second cover after the hounds marked.got a good hunt after dinner and another mark and the bitch in the middle bolted the fox.fox went on the river bank with the hounds on em and marked again.this time the bitch at the end was dug.good day out and believe it or not that fox in the picture got away haha
    19 points
  2. Two bitches on either end had a dig today.bitch in the middle got a bolt so not to bad
    12 points
  3. my keeper out of the latest batch of terrorists
    9 points
  4. f**k me, I enjoyed that
    7 points
  5. Me and old man went on wharfe for couple hours after chub couple six inchers then dad got a knock struck said think it’s a chub defo didn’t think this would take four maggots on swim feeder
    7 points
  6. Had a bit of a hectic week getting ready for my daughters 18th birthday party . Company coming to put the Marquee up , preparing food , getting every thing laid out ,thank God its only once in a life time But it was nice seeing 40 odd 18 year old girls dancing and 40 old people looking on and trying to copy them . Now I can get out again all the pressure if off me and all my money has gone to pay for it , so need to get out put some food on the table Cant wait just to relax in the field or woodland
    6 points
  7. Few pics of my busher. He's a handy enough terrier, hunts like a you would expect a terrier to work hunts fairly close and doesn't range to far and excels in tights cover, yaps on sight rather than scent. Be looking to add an addition to my team come summer.
    6 points
  8. Yep I dug the first one.seemed fair haha
    6 points
  9. Think one or two off here would’ve had a Lick ??? Atb
    6 points
  10. He be 10 year old now,had him out today....still a determined oul soul but his pace and speed hss diminished....sadens me to watch...trying to persuade the wife to find him a place on the sofa,but it aint working .....yet!!! Lol
    5 points
  11. do you work with hunting dogs or just badly trained petsStr?can ye make a dog brave when he gets bit by a fox for the very first time? just asking as my young dog (16 months old on his first fox )did 5 fox with his sire ,and i made sure he took no hard ship, then on the 6th he took a bite and showed he was not up for the job ,next one he got on his own ,he took hold and the fox struck back,he screamed like a bitch ,let go and ran along side the fox barking,tried him with his sire one more time and he refused to take hold ,end of the line in my eyes ,he wasnt fast enough for hares either ,.s
    4 points
  12. Nothing wrong with the way that terrier looks. ?.
    4 points
  13. No oil painting this dog but showing great signs so far
    4 points
  14. Had loads black rabbits, but a bit off subject well sort of caught a few white rats when ferreting smoking the pens, lads said they got them regular, first for me and i have had a rat or two in my time. Here we go PUD
    4 points
  15. See some begger wearing these today
    4 points
  16. Wild sea bass, food fit for a king
    3 points
  17. All that matters is your dog pleases you and your happy mate.
    3 points
  18. Hav to agree esp free range ????????
    3 points
  19. Hunting instinct is the only thing in a dog that the owner can not f**k up all together you can take some out with training but you can’t put it in if it’s not there, I would say the rest of the problems in dogs are mistakes made in training and the biggest mistake be it lurchers terriers or gun dogs is chucking the dog into too much work too early,I train gundogs & problem dogs not as much as I did but enough to keep my hand in,what it’s learned me is people give up on useless dogs all too easy, most can be turned round in a month not yapping of coarse but most can be made good dogs that
    3 points
  20. I hope you did some shit dad dancing to properly embarrass her mitch??
    3 points
  21. What exactly is Minshaw blood? that old fella called anything that passed threw his kennels no matter what blood ran threw its veins a Minshaw lurcher. The blue dog that he named Minshaws blue was sired by a dog of unknown origin, Bulpa's mother was a pure collie but Bulpa was not called a collie cross he was called a minshaw. Half of blues blood unknown origin which made Bulpa half collie and quarter unknown origin leaving only a quarter of his blood to be named minshaw. Bulpa was still labelled a minshaw along with every pup he ever sired. Why was this maybe a need to cling onto a familiar n
    3 points
  22. That's the way to do it mate ......... I think pork and crackling has to be my favourite
    3 points
  23. Well let's have it right then firstly I apologise if I upset you sir but a dog that could do all what you said but get the odd yap would be fine wi me everyone different I spose As far as not quoting your posts you stop posting and I'll stop quoting it's a discussion like you said
    3 points
  24. There is no such thing as a Minshaw lurcher, it was a tag added by peddlers to sell pups, they have different tags these days so its not used as much.
    3 points
  25. Are you sitting there being superviser to the young lads s.s haa
    3 points
  26. Arr I could write a book about how to be disappointed lol but like said that's life brother
    3 points
  27. Had 14 in total this weekend mate? The dealer only had room for 6 so I brought the rest back. No bother though as I’ve got a few landowners with their hands out so it’s going to be a busy week for or so for me in the game larder! Will get a post up on it when the exhaustion wears off?
    3 points
  28. 97 percent of news regarding Donald trump has been negative or derogatory, which just enforces the opinions of the sheeple for the faceless puppet masters that control them, open your eyes, research your news from those you agree with to those you don’t and form your own opinions, people just repeating what they have been told to say is just propaganda not news ?
    3 points
  29. I started out with a Canon EOS 600D which is the model down from what you’ve bought your wife... youtube is generally the best place for info and tutorials and learning “the exposure triangle” which is the fundamentals of what she needs to understand but can be a head fcuk... A good baseline would be to put in AV mode, set ISO to auto and she controls the aperture - F stops... F4 will give shallow depth of field - background all blurry and subject in focus as long as there’s distance between background and subject... F11 would give more depth of field - more background in f
    3 points
  30. But the fact is majority of immigrants arrive through the airport. Another point I often hear about CNN being lefties and propaganda. I probably think to a degree there is an element of truth in that but fox news is 100 times worse and yes I do watch reports from fox and honestly it beggar's belief how stupid and sheer lies is allowed to be broadcast. I've said it before this is the sad state this WORLD has become where lies and mocking is the norm. News politicians revelling in turning people against each other for power. None of them actually care one iota about our jobs
    3 points
  31. Many of them were Scots , all of them looked filthy and were looking genuinely homeless. I just think that's what they look like anyway!?
    3 points
  32. With the vast amount of ground we have it’s littered with holes so a marking dog is a must, personally I wouldn’t bother if I had no dog
    3 points
  33. Alsone to pull out one example of a black bear getting up and blame it on the calibre is a little stupid, and if I am honest does make you sound a bit inexperienced. A misplaced shot can happen with any calibre, and even a perfectly placed shot with a bullet designed for the job can sometimes take longer than you would expect to finish the animal. I am in Canada (Alberta) and on a number of BC, Alberta, and Sask and USA hunting forums, and can assure you both the 308 and 30-06 are very well thought of as cartridges for black bear. So is the 300win mag, and a host of others as well, but black b
    3 points
  34. Not been long back was mild but a good wind I saw tonight what the owner called in his words a real un and i don't need to worry about that ? I can safely say he jumped about and shouted it's dead that it's dying that more than what did die but he's happy with it and that's all that counts but you can see how some legends if that what call them are made having only had below average I would be happy with average never mind a legend but some folk need legend status and it's normally in there heads that they have it
    2 points
  35. postman is scared of my yappy maltese , neighbors not sure of the lab when my wife says [ watch ] and he sits and looks at you , roe deer shit themselves if I let the saluki x off the lead. but the best guard in my house is the wife barking, then we all shit ourself.
    2 points
  36. she sounds a top notch marker to me. I have always had a marking dog. been offered a day's ferreting but no dogs & always turned it down the dog is part of the team couldn't go without her.
    2 points
  37. That brings one back lol id of been about 8or9 sitting at the table eating our tea my sister says im finished im off out to feed snowy (pet rabbit) my dad pops up with ,,,dont bother you have just eaten him lol my sis cried for a week dad had to get her another mind she never gave him the chance to repeat it lol atvbjimmy
    2 points
  38. Same as everything else probably, keep shtum
    2 points
  39. Well i know si is defo not a snob and mitch may drive a Bentley but he dose not come across as a snob but feck they can both shoot a springer as good as any body and thats a fact O,,,and they dont use frozen birds as a big bag or to make every one think they have shot loads with an air rifle when clearly some have been blown apart with a shot gun only saying like twat atvb a bigger twat
    2 points
  40. Another scratch on the pigeons, hard going only 6 this time.
    2 points
  41. I will support all types of field sport whether I participate or not ... BUT the fact is Tim bonner has hung out the lurcher boys to dry to save the mounted packs .....
    2 points
  42. Another beautiful morning with the cobwebs shimmering on the grass. Cheers Arry
    2 points
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