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this is my pup and her sire big flint i put him to a pure bred out of nero she is coming on well for 6 months old14 points
12 points
10 points
this is a dog from the past a ugly bugger , undershot and like a bitch , as a pup he was runty and i couldn't give him away, in the end a mate of mine took him as a pet , until at 8 months he killed the cat , i was given him back , he went into hunt service with a mate , first season very hard , after that worked like a clock, turned out very good worker ...handsome is as handsome does9 points
7 points
7 points
7 points
6 points
thank you pal he chucked strong stuff strength plays a big part in the game im in this is anther bitch off him out the same litter6 points
I always thought harry was well liked on this site.....I know some of the comments or ment in jest but come on....good luck to them I say....shes a stunning looking woman and hes a good looking young man ...I would imagin there kids will be beautifull too and if there not so what... going back to the ugly baby comments about half cast babys...don't forget megan is half cast and is a stunner......and on a personal level theres lads on this site that have seen my own 3 kids and they will all tell you how good looking they are... find it hard to believe there are grown men on here slagg6 points
Another good few hours got a couple of pheasants,flushed a fox in great condition and a few rabbits , cracking day.5 points
I got beaglexcocker here now that's been gifted to me by foxpack so shes just the start of my pack hoping to get a few more in the ranks & i will be adding a tackle,teagle & breed off bitch the bitch i got so hopefully by next season I'll be up & running tidy again atb cbx4 points
Back on subject , a couple of what i call Patterdales , i can only hope the only emotion they evoke is love lol4 points
just a quick note too all , i bought my hw80k from sandwell field sports 8 years ago and she has been a gem , out most weekends and god knows how many pellets have been threw her , was out last weekend with a mate clearing some pigeons on his shoot and he commented on how loud my gun was , i have never noticed and in the last 8 years i have never needed to do anything to her but after a bit of exploration tonight it turns out the piston seal has had it and the loud action turned out to be the piston seal letting air past its sides and the piston body was slamming into the front of the action ,3 points
3 points
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3 points
It’s not her looks that put me off it’s her f***ing entitled attitude and embarrassing family divorced = ie someone cpuldntbstick the c**t enough in order to tolerate it in his life forever the royal family needs to be classier than that / her etc imho3 points
3 points
Very obedient real clever little dogs with a good man behind the dog you can get a right good dog.3 points
We have 2 in our pack both are demons to hunt. on rough hill land they will not keep up with teagles it would be stupid to think they would.they come in to there own in fur covers thick bramble blocks small forestry blocks big heavy ditches.they are great dogs to hunt once you dont over match them with bigger dogs and expect them to keep up as a lot of lads tend to do.a pack or 4 or 5 teckels would give you great sport for many a year.real little characters great dogs around the house 2.3 points
i bet you when he was in the army serving and he heard all the stories from other squaddies about wild nights out in their youth and various shenanagins they have got up to i bet he was gelous. id hate to be a royal regardless of wealth3 points
I completely disagree that he's lucky. I'd say his place is cursed. Followed from childhood to the grave, every moment in one's life from the sudden death of a parent at a young age to battling his way through his teens trying to fit in. Everyone who has met Harry will tell you he's a brilliant bloke, from people he has hunted with (he always prefared to go with the hunt staff and he's a good man on the spade) to the men he has served alongside whom he desperately tried to do his duty to and with (spoiled as always by the media). I don't agree with his choice of wife (as I don't ag3 points
90% of my sport is bushing with terrier types to small rabbiting lurchers. Can never get enough of it. Places we do you don't get big bags but we have loads of sport for the dogs and what they catch is all through there own team work3 points
Well decided to go up to the perm last night to try the photon rt our using the onboard IR, to be ho est I didn't know what to expect with all posotive/negative reviews on it, and I'm quite impressed I hooke up the nitesite rangefinder to it for obvious reasons, now I had it fixed to my R10se 25cal sub 12, zeroed at 20yds that same day so it was case of trying the photon out for visibility and such like with the chance of maybe a close range deaf/dumb rabbit ☺, that deaf/dumb rabbit didnt appear, but I was able to get In as close as 30yds but didn't take the shots as only had the one sightmar2 points
Not my type yeah right if she walked up to most of you in a nightclub you would be tripping over yourselves for a taxi and as for calling a unborn child words fail me2 points
2 points
2 points
Always a good sign is a bitch that resembles a dog, she some specimen, fantastic head and good hard body, a pleasure to see an animal in such good condition, Atb pal2 points
2 points
Stamina and wind are 2 completely different things. I had a lurcher that had decent stamina would hunt up and bomb about all day, but You give him a Good hard run on the lamp n he would drastically fade, he had the wind of a tea bag.2 points
I hope the greasy snakes are caught and you get your terrier back. I'm sure we will all keep are eyes and ears open. If anyone has even the smallest of an idea should let this man know.2 points
2 points
It must be difficult for you having to more or less start from scratch each time you go home, but not so hard as it is for the dog. If he gets zero exercise when you're not there he will never achieve full fitness. Each time he starts to get a little fitter then you have to go away again, so it's no wonder he's never the conditioned athlete you would like him to be. You don't say what breeding he is, but generally speaking, the larger and heavier the dog, the longer it takes to get it fit and the more quickly it loses condition when not being worked or exercised. Not only that, he must often b2 points
My youngest sister's 2 boys are mixed race - good looking lads, the pair of them. And as for Meghan............I wouldn't say no !2 points
You don't see many galgos hold a hare up or dictate the hares movement, even after 3 minutes . Think that answers it2 points
2 points
2 points
I'll chuck my imaginary hat into the the imaginary ring.... lol Good luck to them I say, he comes across as a decent lad, a good mate of mine is heavily involved in the Invictus Games (badly injured in Afghanistan and has competed for years, one of the early organisers).... he says he's a top lad too...she seems ok too...and f**k.how anyone can say she's ugly!!! It can't always be doom and gloom....2 points
I must say I did not read all the article, I don't have the stamina for it, but several points hit home, I have never before seen it written that crusaders brought salukis back, but thought they must have, how could they resist, also his description of the way the champion coursing saluki ran, was very like the way the best coursing dogs we have run, also over the years I as I am sure allot of people have noticed that some dogs genuinely do spot stuff at incredible distances, that others don't see, it would be great to see what someone like him would make of our line bred stuff witch after all2 points
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2 points
2 points
This is the puppy i will be keeping back,took these pics yesterday at 27 days old,over the moon with the whole litter if im honest..2 points
Nice fishing, and good to see the use of a mat. Too many times round here I see inexperienced anglers letting pike bounce around on hard earth banks whilst they desperately search for some long forceps and a thick gardening glove for fear of a slight laceration.2 points
I honestly don't believe for one minute that anyone got anything direct was ever told they be given a 3 gen pedigree that's something that's come from your side of the water. The jealousy and bitterness is coming from sources for different reasons everyone seems ta have there own agenda with the black dogs but if you honestly believe that the bitterness and bs that goes with them only started with this line of dog your well mistaken it was there when booth Gould and Nuttall were flavour of the month. That line was always about it's only in the last 7 to 8 year it hit the production lines end1 point
What good does it do hiding a ped from someone? What so they have to come back to you for another dog? And who cares what the next man does with his dog's, with or without a ped they will sell it if they want to. Not telling one atleast 3 or 4 gens on there dog means they will breed it to what they think is right and end up f***ing up the line. The line one man worked so hard to build. Then what happens next? They will be none left except for the smart ones that got breeding stock and stick to it. It makes absolutely no sense at all. But pure childish and jealous behavior is all it is. Do i th1 point
Your spot on chesney, you read my mind it's a phase that's been going on for decades, who's next? Another thing, a tattoo and a microchip doesn't mean a dog is going to be a worker!!!1 point
Money root to all evil but as has been said people starting to cop on now that they are not getting the real deal with pups turning out shit and so on so the trade for these dogs is starting to slow big time. How many that say they have that line of dogs can prove it with ear tattoo and micro chip straight from ac yard not too f***ing many. Some may have his blood line in their dogs but he did not breed them and still his name is used as a sale pitch.1 point
It's the men money and big egos rabbit hunter has alot ta do with some see a money spinner in them that I never could it's a phase and will it pass like all others it will pass in time you will have those that will quietly in the back round working it and keeping it among a trusted few. Then the other side ped and name chasers with there databases and throwing names about fb and what they use there dogs that's side that gives it the bad name the money men that will breed to any bitch with in the line young or old it doesn't matter it has a pedigree Il sell 4 keep 1 always a bitch 6 months do1 point