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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/18 in Posts

  1. Just been reading this thread and I do find you a bit out of order ace boon coon.there's nothing like kicking a man when he's down I'm sure the lads gutted about loosing 3 pups I would be and probably with hindsight might of done thing's a little different but that's his bug to bear no1 else's.I've bred a few litters in the past (I'm no expert or pretend to be)and have never heard of using a border and have never felt the need to take temperature or anything and think it's clear with what the lad says he was there otherwise he wouldn't have known how far apart the pups came and took the dam to
    12 points
  2. Davis is from a bygone era , a dinosaur .. There is no place for men & women of his ilk in Parliament. Honesty & principals died out long ago , David Davis and his staff did the only thing possible if you have principles!
    10 points
  3. This is a tough one BB. I'm in a similar situation at this end. The neighbours across the street have had their daughter and son in law move in with them. They're both early 20's, two toddlers and she's expecting a third. Son in law is out of work. They brought their cattle dog mix and mum and dad won't allow it in the house and as result, she was chained to a tether day and night. Like you and yours, the neighbours were extremely concerned for the dog's welfare. They were bringing food and water and checking up. The poor animal was being harassed by coyotes in the night which was wh
    10 points
  4. You dont know how much they mean to you until you loose one lost my grandson a few years ago to a rare liver disease only 11 or 12 cases around the world and they only live until there around 14yrs old boys dont make it and girls are the carriers . We had been down to kings hospital to see him and had only been in the house half an hour when my daughter came in and say,d Dillon had passed a way . had not even unloaded the car just jumped back in and drove back down My son had not shed a tear not one my ex wife went into the little yard to see him then i went
    8 points
  5. I suppose it’s a generation thing , at pushing seventy now my parents didn’t do running us about even though the old fella had a car ,plenty of people never , he wasn’t on tap to drive us anywhere . If we wanted to go we went on the bus , bike or walked and on the odd occasion he did drop us off it was only because he was going that way ..As we got older the bank of mum & dad had wierd opening times , so wierd me and my brother never did suss them out . Both my parents worked all there lives , they owned there own house which they rightly left to my sister who looked after them in there ol
    8 points
  6. I’ve just an hours walk round with the pup,he’s not a dog that’s in every bit of hedge but when there’s a rabbit in I can tell already by his actions,first hedge he marked to night he pushed 3 out nice and steady giving me chance to push another cartridge in.
    7 points
  7. These two,there from two different foxing lines.I'm going to keep him to start my own line of workers.Was waiting till later to breed but glad it happened.Bitch in first pic.
    7 points
  8. Like someone said ,I'm sure Shane regrets a few things and in the cold light of day I'm sure he would maybe of done it a bit different but the manner in which you smuggly stated so was in many ways the mark of your countrymen ,full of themselves and cocky like you are trying to assert something. Ive spent time in your country and never met a yank who didnt have plenty to say about himself whereas the Irish are mostly gent lemen .Personally I've never had a newly whelped bitch want to leave pups for a walk and I've never used a purpose made whelpng box away from the kennels but I do used cre
    6 points
  9. Have you not got a toothless sister you should be shagging.
    5 points
  10. My pups growing and fast ? be 8 weeks old in 3 days
    5 points
  11. All the "big teams" are gone cause they weren't good enough, just cause you're Germany, Brazil, Spain etc don't give you the right...the same as it hasn't for England for the past 28 years at World Cups...you've got to progress and keep up...we haven't for years....and neither have the others this year (particularly Germany and Spain to a degree)... England have changed massively under Southgate, from back to front they try and play, they don't look scared... maybe they haven't played a "big team" yet...but Columbia wouldve tested anyone with their "style", Sweden were in Germany's group and b
    5 points
  12. Something new.....something new........ hmmmmmmm Armed revolution with the immediate instalment of an acting government of the free people of Britain until a formal constitution is written up as the foundation for a new democratic state protected from the corrupt influences of corporations, the infringement of essential democratic liberties, career politicians, two party tyranny, and an ignorant and apathetic electorate?
    5 points
  13. Decided to keep this male pup from an accidental mating after his dam ripped a hole in a chain link fence to get to the dog,have to go weldmesh.Little bloke is hard as nails already and cocking his leg on trees at 8weeks.
    5 points
  14. Shut up you hillbilly prick
    5 points
  15. Here’s another one for you...... a wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool speaks because he has to say something
    4 points
  16. Half way through the night and 3 foxes and 28 rabbits in the bag so far ... stopping for a quick cuppa then crack on and pick off any I missed first time round .....
    4 points
  17. the joys of theory , please show us a terrier you have bred that works or any terrier that you have worked , working meaning dug to, a empty vessel make the most noise ..you've been on these boards for years now paper chasing and given us the benefit of your knowledge , but in real terms what have you done with working terrier that allows you to even give a opinion ?
    4 points
  18. Great article by Peter Hitchens: I remember the autumn day in 1990 when they came to cart away the large hammer and sickle outside my Moscow block of flats. It was about the size of a cow and made out of a gritty grey metal alloy which had, like almost everything in the USSR, never looked new or clean. Once, these objects had been all over the city. Now they were vanishing. Nobody else seemed especially interested in its departure, probably because there were — more excitingly — eggs on sale down the street. A few weeks later, I would watch the Soviet Army’s last Revolution D
    4 points
  19. As useual the last few weeks has been way too hot so didnt last long again but got a few ferrals and a decent size rabbit
    3 points
  20. Thanks lads for your comments he would of been 8 or 9 yrs old now we never got the chance to see if he would of been a good un or a bad un or if he was like his dad who is a bit of both but then again his dad is like his dad (me) a bit of both good when i need to be and bad when i need to be a bit like us all when it comes to our kids . would of been nice to find out mind . THEY SAY THAT THE BIG MAN IN THE SKY ONLY TAKES THE GOOD so i like to think he would of been a good un atvbjimmy
    3 points
  21. On a rabbit clearance tonight shooting until it gets light then a few hours kip and off again so I decided to go light .... this takes litterarly a few minuets to put up and pack away ... job done .....
    3 points
  22. That explains why look like steptoe you scruffy old Cnut ... no money left to clothe yourself ......
    3 points
  23. my sister had a staffy mongrel and a farm colly got to it, they just kept 1 dog pup to take the milk off, my wife had him for fifteen years I shot over that dog all over the place great dog, his only fault if you can call it one, if another dog came near him there was no sniffing round or warning he went straight in b*****d he was, great with the kids though, should of put him to a grew never entered my head back then though.
    3 points
  24. And just to make todays pantomime even more entertaining Farage has popped up saying he may run again for ukip leader
    3 points
  25. Dear Theresa It is more than two years since the British people voted to leave the European Union on an unambiguous and categorical promise that if they did so they would be taking back control of their democracy. They were told that they would be able to manage their own immigration policy, repatriate the sums of UK cash currently spent by the EU, and, above all, that they would be able to pass laws independently and in the interests of the people of this country. Brexit should be about opportunity and hope. It should be a chance to do things differently, to be more nimble and
    3 points
  26. Nearly had my first blanc with the HW 100 KT .177 tonight. Where are all the Wood Pigeons ? In the trees on one of my other permissions just 500 yds away watching Steve cut his crops " LLLLLLLETS GET READY TO RUUUUUUMBLE " !!! Very tempted to shoot just spring rifles on the de
    3 points
  27. feck all wrong with trump you, lol hes doing great and I wish he would come over n sort Europe out
    3 points
  28. And that's the best thing you can give. me and my bro were raised different, mum done my bro who is the eldest, she doted on him and he got everything he ever wanted for nowt, dad took charge with me and I had to work for everything, rewarded when I was good and punished when I was bad. They had no money and we were never spoiled, but I was still paid for jobs helping the old man, he helped me in other ways though, he always done his best for me. Many years on, my brother is still a spoilt, lazy, good for nothing lying scum with no prospects and nowt to call his own. I am s
    3 points
  29. Davis gone......fair play to the bloke
    3 points
  30. Well done , I’ve just released some of our poults last week. Now is the time to be on your game . With this hot weather the poults I released have taken a long time to start roosting, a lot are still just sat in the grass by the wire . In the past foxes have run up and down the fence line spooking the birds so that they fly over the fence . This is when cubs in particular will do a lot of killing. My method of dealing with this is to to park my truck near the pen , angled so that I can shoot off the bonnet. I recline the seat , get a pillow and quilt and wind the windows down and go to sleep .
    3 points
  31. If Carlsberg did forums . Boonie ,would of started his post by apologising for being pedantic ,but felt he needed to point out that strictly speaking it wasn't all bad luck ,and some of Shanes misfortune could have been prevented . Shane would of graciously acknowledged this point ,and pointed out that lessons have been learned . Ketchum would have embraced his irishness .
    3 points
  32. Life throws us a fecking curve at times mucker,hope the bitch is OK and you get a pup to make it worth the shite.
    3 points
  33. If you need a thermometer to tell you when your bitch is going to pup your not as bright as you’d have people believe.
    3 points
  34. Are you sure you're not Brian plummer risen from the dead? ?? You sound very book smart. I imagine shane was well aware his bitch was due to pup. Bitches often pup early on their own without someone prodding and poking and singing the star spangled banner at them with a thermometer stuck up there hole. I don't really think it's anyones place to be questioning his kennel management. There's more to being a good dog man than rattling off bullet points out of a book on whelping. Accidents happen in life in the best of kennels.
    3 points
  35. I find it a bit hard to believe than any dog f****d up several men with guns.
    3 points
  36. 150 it was half 11 at night and I getting to him and nearly 1 and I leaving. Very reasonably priced to be fair
    3 points
  37. Not digging you mate but that view from your window was one of the reasons the brits stayed blinkered for too many years they couldn’t see wat was happening cos from ther window everything was fine while Labour Blair the war criminal was implementing his Trojan horse attack of imported scum into inner city areas that over a period of time will fk the whole country
    3 points
  38. I caught up with these two the other night hoovering pheasant poults up that were on the ground, they look like they are out of different litters to me though. The other one was back at my former neighbours where i shot the two vixens.
    2 points
  39. Thats what i was thinking.The SAS couldnt fight them off but a dog could.sounds a bit far fetched.
    2 points
  40. Yeah wrong forum i was posting on the slack grilfs life got mixed up
    2 points
  41. True but this is now one of those classic parent moments. They're never going to teach kids those things in school so we have to do it. You'll be surprised how quickly they pick it up too. It's well worth the time.
    2 points
  42. I was a little c u n t growing up on the estate with mates,most of us when young you could see are socks threw the holes of are trainees,makes me think now how hard it must of been for my mum bringing three kids up with no job,but guess what we was always happy enjoyed everyday doing most things young lads do,but 32 years an 2 kids later makes me try my best to provide for my 2 lads the best I can.thats life and a good one ??
    2 points
  43. That is terrible what responsible dog owner would feed it that shit.
    2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. In fairness to Scot mate, I also never believed that any main party had any intention of honouring the referendum result. I have just been back to the UK for a week and I’m back again next week and every time I see it the full realisation of just what a shit state it is in hits home a little more.......it’s so f***ing bad it’s unreal but like road noise, when you live with it every day you don’t notice it. If nobody understands the full weight of what disregarding a referendum means for your lives, your kids lives and your grandkids lives then frankly everyone deserves everything the
    2 points
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