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About Quixote

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    Born Hunter

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    Shooting, trout & salmon fishing, ferreting, trapping, poultry-rearing, bacon and sausage-making, BBQ & meat smoking

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  1. Jailed for 11 years, with a minimum 5 1/2 to serve. It's not enough, but at least the vile filth can't get near any more kids or snimals while he's locked away....................... More here: http://content.met.police.uk/News/Paedophile-ring-jailed-following-covert-operation/1400011785381/1257246741786
  2. Hopefully along with all other traces of him................
  3. Great, thanks! The more the better, I reckon
  4. Lurchandhistribe's post is a great illustration as to exactly why I keep bumping this thread.............how many times do we hear of people (even those in positions of trust & authority) being convicted of heinous & despicable crimes such as the one we're reading of? The penalties on conviction need to be far, far more severe than they are at present, and it's only by making as much noise as possible that this is ever going to change. Having seen the outrage this paedophile's actions have caused, and the concern, hurt & damage that's resulted through his disgusting & immoral b
  5. I think there'd be a few people willing to put a bullet through his head, to be honest...................quicker the better, as far as I'm concerned. Here's hoping once convicted he's put into General Population. I'd give him 15 minutes
  6. There's a picture posted in one of the links.............here it is in case anyone's missed it. It's released into the public domain by virtue of its inclusion into a newspaper article, so don't feel bad about loathing it. Especially when you read this excerpt from the article: Nicholas Cordery, 62, who along with soldier Simon Davies, was at the centre of a huge police investigation into paedophilia and child pornography. Both men, along with two others, Peter Malpas and Anthony Flack, admitted a string of sex charges when they appeared in the dock at Reading Crown Court. Read mo
  7. Afraid I don't have his username to hand. I have the feeling though, that he used to post under a few different ones on various fora............. The reason for posting this is to maximise the exposure of his sickening crimes, so feel free to post the links on any other forum you maybe a member of?
  8. Many of you will know of this man. Indeed, many of you will no doubt have replied to several of his posts both here and elsewhere. Mr Nick Cordery of PuBs, Ladies and Gentlemen............. http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1xqWE5sda http://www.telegraph...-farmhouse.html http://www.thesun.co...do-parties.html
  9. ...........I breed them for their fur, they make great slippers
  10. C'mon then......let's hear them?
  11. So.......your dog isn't securely-penned, your ferrets court isn't secure, you haven't bothered your arse to check how your dog behaves around your new ferret kits. And now you want advice? Ok! Here's how I'd cure your problem..........get yourself a plank of wood, around 6" x 1" (preferably something like oak, or another dense hardwood?) Hold it in both hands & place it @ 90 degrees to your body. Then smartly lift it upright. This way you'll make certain it's travelling at its maximum speed, thereby imparting the smack on the head that you're obviously in need of............
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