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Trapping vs. Snaring...

Guest WomBat21

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Guest WomBat21

Howdy, folks!


I'm the 'new guy ' here and have a basic question for all you aficionados: I've just finished reading a fairly long thread going back and forth between 'Nightwalker' and just about everybody else.


What I don't get is , if trapping's OK, then what's wrong with snaring?


I don't see the ethical / moral / whatever difference, just the technical execution.


Even with 'live' traps, the game is stressed (and maybe even for a much longer time) untill you decide kill it.

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just to add my tuppence worth, i would prefer snares over traps due to the following reasons


Lightweight, easy to carry

Cheap to replace if stolen


Dont get me wrong, i have used fenn traps in orchards and around bowling greens where rabbit runs arent very distinct.


But same as most subjects, each to their own ;)

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