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Good result today, big dog fox

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I've seen it once before D&N but only with one tooth,it was on the black bitch of Jocks. Glad to hear auld Scrumpy is still hard at it,we will still use him over Scree when she eventually comes into season if he's still capable and its ok with you. Keep at em!

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I had arranged to take a lad off this site out with us for a dig with the terriers today, I dont normally do this, as i find it hard to trust people on tinternet, but he seamed genuine, so i thought i would let him tag along. We met in the local village and made a brief introduction, he was a very canny lad who was genuilely interested to learn about the terriers trade, and wasnt affraid to get stuck in with a spade and get his hands dirty!!


We headed up the road to some land where myself and my cuz have a wee roughshoot which has several good earths in the woods. The first wood we passed through has never held a fox, but we bagged a tree rat (which are only very recent invaders here!) which took an amazing ammount of lead before it fell from its tree! the first spot looked well paddled, a wee artificial earth, but no-one at home today, so off to a big sprawling earth which covers a huge area and has many holes. Its depth varies from 3 to 12 feet and it can often be a testing place to get a result. Scrumpy bobbed in and out of several holes for a good 20 minutes before finally dissapearing and staying under. I left it another 20 minutes and set about trying to locate him, but try as we did, we couldnt find him, and it took over an hour before we located him at 3-4 feet. The dig was fairly good going for the earth, and luckily we didnt hit nany large boulders which are common over this earth. Some minor roots and stones but the soil, which was a compact sandy soil got easier as we got down.


On breaking through, we saw that Scrumpy had a good hold on the fox and was well in control of things, but he had taken some obvious grief off this very big, but youngish dog fox. I will post a pic or two when I get them ont computer.


When we took Scrumpy down to a nearby stream to clean him up, i noticed that his top lips were folded inside his mouth, and on closer inspection found that both of his top canines had gone right through the lips, pinning them inside his mouth!! :o Poor fella!! It was a little difficult to pull one of the lips back ovet the tooth, but with the help of my new friends biro! we did it! And the whole time, Scrumpy, like a true hero, just sat patiently and never flinched!

Has anyone seen this happen before??


Yours in sport




Good read mate and a good result. I've seen the top lips bitten through a few times. most recently on my bullx and my russel dog.

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One of my old dogs(alsation x thing)did it during a scuffle with a fat collie once,took a lot to pull it back off and he didn't flinch either,maybe they go numb(the lips)or something when this happens,worried me more than it did the dog.

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Yes, a couple of my lurchers have done it when tackling fox: the second one I was wondering why she didn't go in hard and kill it like she usually did: realised afterwards when she was licking her chops a lot: had to pull the lip out over the tooth: healed well and quickly.

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DnN just got back down south. Thanks very much for today. Excellent result today, hope your dog heals well. You are a true sportsman and your dogs are a credit to you. Can't wait for next weekend. Dog fox was 16lbs on the scales. When I skinned him there was old shot in his rear end. Looking forward to collecting more redskins next time.


All the best ug

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seen it a fair few times, it seems to happen time and again on some dogs.I had one half sealyham type that would get hung up like that on one or both sides after most digs!

Biro is about the best job and important to check for it everytime in dogs that are prone to it.


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Guest rexdigger
not that strange an injury seen it loads of times :o

well I havent, so it was strange TO ME :feck: what a pointless post :wankerzo4:


Cheers JD, aye UG said it was known as fanging, never happened to any of mine before now, but ill look out for it from now on....... Learning all the time :D cheers folks

not trying to be funny but you cant have dug a lot if you have only just seen that occur oh and it does happen in lurchers too


sorry forgot to say what would you have liked me to put ?? something like nice dog mate????

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