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  2. Think how much pension they can save if they stretch the men's retirement age to 70,or 70+
  3. I` m gonna die from laughter at this rate I`ve not stopped for nigh on an hour now.
  4. I've enjoyed retirement more than any stage in my life. It's the freedom. Funny thing is you take more care of yourself when you're old. When I was young you took daft risks. I smoked and had lots of horrible jobs, like steel erecting. I remember sawing asbestos with no mask ffs. You dont care when you're young. Every day is precious when you get old. I still get a real bang out of life. Why would you want to kill me Goly? To save a few bob? You forget we oldies paid stamps and tax. I paid tax when I was 15 and I'm still paying it 60 years later. People should be retired accord
  5. Hahahaha, don't worry mate it won't be long before you're in that wooden box. Lol It's a bit of light hearted banter you miserable old cnut, now do you prefer the right or left arm?
  6. What a fckg prick. You are a complete and utter areshole. Why don’t you fck off into whatever hole you came from. Curl up and fckg die you useless piece of shit. Jok.
  7. I dread to think what the retirement age will be for me, I've still got over 20 years to go.
  8. All the police have to do is harvest local cctv to identify those people involved . If this is not done the police and politicians should be held accountable .
  9. I'd sign up, although in good nick I have definitely burned the candle at both ends, definitely got good for longevity. Lol
  10. Could well be dog mate but cats and dogs only have one lobe at the front of the rear pad it’s the back edge that differs dogs have twolobes and cats three, it’s the right size and shape for a feline being more round than oval and a lack of claws makes it worth noting and sharing with people that know
  11. here you go Goly i got you a brochure Brochure of DIGNITAS
  12. The government are working people right up to the brink of death.
  13. Maltby was closed for a while but I think is back on now. Cheers.
  14. Don't accept it then, you work until 67 and enjoy your last 10-15 years lol.
  15. That's what happens to anyone who steps outside the mainstream medical way tomo,ridiculed an called a conspiracy nut
  16. Knowing my luck I'd win the lottery at 69.
  17. use to often pop down on a sunday to watch the whippets , not sure if maltby club is still going but they ran on a field
  18. Yes they know how to cure it imo,I wouldn't say duped but there using the methods they were taught by the medical establishment,an taught that there's no other way only there way,an as I said there's good people in it the medical field,but they won't entertain anything other than what they've been taught. Have you looked at where the money goes for these charity's,iv the utmost respect for the nurses an doctors who take care of people,there going by the rule book there been taught an will not entertain anything outside of it.
  19. remember the flack Elle Mcphearson got for daring to not be treated for cancer...and doing it her way.....but the media attacked her...
  20. what a crock of shite ..
  21. But you said there IS a cure for cancer but “they” are keeping it secret. So, I’ll ask again; Are the millions of people around the world in on the conspiracy, or are they just duped ? Also, are charities like McMillans, Marie Curies, Cancer Research and all the others in on the conspiracy? Cheers.
  22. Imo they already know all of this tomo,they know this shit but will not advance it because there's no profit in it,there's genuinely good people in the medical field but it's rotten at the top
  23. theres a fair bit out there now about cancers feeding on sugars....and alot about it being a metabolic disease
  24. No I think they should be concentrating on what our immune systems do best,an that's keep us healthy an fight sickness everyday when we don't even realise it,concentrate on what boosts our own immune systems to do the job it's does 247 What does our immune system need,sunlight,vitamins an minerals an herbs which contain everything we need,but we are all defiecent,but that's not the number one priority with the medical system,its burn cut an poison
  25. I'm warming to the idea. You trial it for us Goly and we'll follow suit...promise.
  26. With all that saturated fat I'm giving you 5-10 years. Lol
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