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Charity Giveaway free from me almost ..Impact GSX200 .22

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Charity Giveaway free from me almost ..Impact GSX200 .22

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  • Price £1,275
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This is the next generation of Theoben rifles that included Reg/Quick fill/Gauge/Fill nipple, R/h stock with additional adj cheek piece,Adj Butt plate,additional bipod rail underneath,Scalloped block,Angled bolt handle,400 cc buddy bottle,16 in screw-cut barrel fitted with silencer,Mk4 match grade fully adj trigger,dovetail rail,theoben 12 shot mag,most paperwork.

It’s is in better than excellent condition,No cut out to stock,bipod stud has been removed and made good,odd minor light marks most to the woodwork,anti Temper still intact as far as i can see.

I’ve NEVER used it,running around 11.5 ft with no issues.

These are hard to find and not many about…also in my opinion are what Theobens should have evolved to as these now negate the need to take off bottle to fill or check the remaining air.


Exclusively available on here.. I’m more than happy if it helps ..in handing over along the route from W/London to Warwickshire.


All funds will be sent to my Charity Sane by me.


Also available elsewhere

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