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Deer calls

   (0 reviews)
  • Price £35
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One Buttolo Blatter hardly used and one Nordik Roe call equally unused.


The Buttolo Blatter is a ‘must have’ deer caller for any Roe or Muntjac stalker and is very successful for both species at different times of year with a little knowledge of how and when to use it. Depressing the rubber bulb gives a ‘Feep’ immitating a female deer that will bring a Roe Buck in during the rut. The curiosity of Muntjac and thier year round mating can give success at all times of the year. The intensity of the call can be muted by covering up the holes on the ball to immitate a kid. Fully depressing the rubber bulb gives a shriek. The tone can be fine tuned via a small turn screw under the ball

The Nordik call is considered by many to be the best Roe Call on the market.

Pre-tuned for all the call pitches needed, simply move the rubber band between the two outermost notches on the call the change the sound.

This call has a double sound board that can be used to control the volume.

For softer sound cover the hole on the underside of the call with your thumb.

Made in Sweden.

£35 the pair posted


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