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bedlington whippets

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Dont want to put every bed whippet owners back up but...

before I start 13 years ago I breed a 26 inch saluki lurcher to a M drews bed whippet alfred as you can tell by his name he was a typical example of the breed. My bitch pup took back after him in looks and finnished at 19- 20 inches. she served me well on rabbits taking 10 - 15 rabbits on a good few nights.


If she came up a bigger animal as I hoped for Im sure she would have been better again on rabbits and more versatile.


What is the point in purpouslie breeding a small bed whippet when a whippet will do the same job?

A 23 inch lurcher dog will do a better job on the lamp, ferreting and catching flushed game.


Its not that I dont like the bedlington in the mix but why not use a greyhound to make a bigger dog? Alot that iv seen strugle (unlike whippets) to catch rabbits in the open only succeding on the hedge line. i.m.o there to small for a lurcher and to big for a terreir.


Thank you hunting people.

Edited by baldockbanks courser
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when i set out to look for my first lurcher for rabbiting only,i didnt want anything to big, so i decided on a beddy whip, but, i wanted one around 21"? and more to the whipp side, and i kno where yo

why not have beddy whippet greyhound

i might be biast here cos i like the beddys i had a beddy grey he was 24 tts and was game as a badger would run any thing in the beam there are good things to come from the cross breding of beddys wh

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when i set out to look for my first lurcher for rabbiting only,i didnt want anything to big, so i decided on a beddy whip, but, i wanted one around 21"? and more to the whipp side, and i kno where youre coming from, cos some of these crosses can throw smaller than mine, so i did a bit of home work, and got told make sure the dam was a whipp, and a decent sized one, sire was a 22" beedy whipp, so this ticked all the boxes for me! and shes turned out 21" and very whippety! lamps! bushes! excells at rabbing, so couldnt ask for anymore of her, some people just like the looks of these little dogs, others think you cant beat this breed? i guess its there own prefrence, like i said i kno where youre coming from with a dog 23" ive seen some cracking dogs this size, and prob next lurcher i get would be around 23"? hope i aint cotradicting my self?



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  On 19/12/2010 at 13:21, pipa said:

when i set out to look for my first lurcher for rabbiting only,i didnt want anything to big, so i decided on a beddy whip, but, i wanted one around 21"? and more to the whipp side, and i kno where youre coming from, cos some of these crosses can throw smaller than mine, so i did a bit of home work, and got told make sure the dam was a whipp, and a decent sized one, sire was a 22" beedy whipp, so this ticked all the boxes for me! and shes turned out 21" and very whippety! lamps! bushes! excells at rabbing, so couldnt ask for anymore of her, some people just like the looks of these little dogs, others think you cant beat this breed? i guess its there own prefrence, like i said i kno where youre coming from with a dog 23" ive seen some cracking dogs this size, and prob next lurcher i get would be around 23"? hope i aint cotradicting my self?



cracking little bitch that,a credit to ye,atb jamiew

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as my previos post said i run a whippet which is 21tts extreamly good pup on the lamp and a briliant dog ( does yap now and again but starting to get to grips with the retrieve) and i am almost 100% with you here mate my whippet is game as they come and has gave a hand on bigger game aswell but each to there own i supposse

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  On 19/12/2010 at 13:21, pipa said:

when i set out to look for my first lurcher for rabbiting only,i didnt want anything to big, so i decided on a beddy whip, but, i wanted one around 21"? and more to the whipp side, and i kno where youre coming from, cos some of these crosses can throw smaller than mine, so i did a bit of home work, and got told make sure the dam was a whipp, and a decent sized one, sire was a 22" beedy whipp, so this ticked all the boxes for me! and shes turned out 21" and very whippety! lamps! bushes! excells at rabbing, so couldnt ask for anymore of her, some people just like the looks of these little dogs, others think you cant beat this breed? i guess its there own prefrence, like i said i kno where youre coming from with a dog 23" ive seen some cracking dogs this size, and prob next lurcher i get would be around 23"? hope i aint cotradicting my self?



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Ive got two second cross beddy whippets, before them id had pure whippets. One of my whippets was a bit of a wimp with the cold but the other was tough as old boots. I recon one of the biggest advantages of havin the beddy in there is for abit more bone and also gives them much thicker skin, find this helps when there in think cover or when they have a barbed wire moment as the always do at some point!!

Id say having the bedlington defo gives them abit more bump proofing!

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You have obviously not seen a good Bedlington Whippet working

There are good and bad in every type of lurcher,The bedlington whippet would not be the cross I would choose for big open fields,however for smaller fields lots of cover and allround lurcher work ie rabbits hares foxes rats and game birds mine was dynamite,No they wouldnt be as good as a bigger lurcher consistently on lamping or coursing hares and foxes,however ferreting,lamping rabbits and general pest control work which is what I do You cannot find a better workmate.

Mine died over Twenty years ago and I have been trying to recreate something to live up to his standards,I started by buying a Dog whippet puppy out of a Champion coursing whippet.

I worked him for three seasons before giving him to a retired mate to do a bit of ferreting with,I would never have bred from him he didnt have enough heart when chasing quarry,my beddie cross would have gone through any cover after quarry as would my beddie bitch Jinx.I have just put her to a good whippet fingers crossed should have pups in 2011

Why I like Beddy crosses is Heart guts determination and prey drive they have it by the bucket load,anyone who has worked owned or seen them working would justify to that,many a time my dog would go after something and I would think he aint got a cat in hells chance of catching that,as if to prove me wrong he would come back with it in his mouth

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  On 19/12/2010 at 19:25, heart of wales said:

You have obviously not seen a good Bedlington Whippet working

There are good and bad in every type of lurcher,The bedlington whippet would not be the cross I would choose for big open fields,however for smaller fields lots of cover and allround lurcher work ie rabbits hares foxes rats and game birds mine was dynamite,No they wouldnt be as good as a bigger lurcher consistently on lamping or coursing hares and foxes,however ferreting,lamping rabbits and general pest control work which is what I do You cannot find a better workmate.

Mine died over Twenty years ago and I have been trying to recreate something to live up to his standards,I started by buying a Dog whippet puppy out of a Champion coursing whippet.

I worked him for three seasons before giving him to a retired mate to do a bit of ferreting with,I would never have bred from him he didnt have enough heart when chasing quarry,my beddie cross would have gone through any cover after quarry as would my beddie bitch Jinx.I have just put her to a good whippet fingers crossed should have pups in 2011

Why I like Beddy crosses is Heart guts determination and prey drive they have it by the bucket load,anyone who has worked owned or seen them working would justify to that,many a time my dog would go after something and I would think he aint got a cat in hells chance of catching that,as if to prove me wrong he would come back with it in his mouth

The few I've seen work have been just as you described :thumbs: Huge cahoona's on them for sure

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  On 19/12/2010 at 13:38, jamiew said:
  On 19/12/2010 at 13:21, pipa said:

when i set out to look for my first lurcher for rabbiting only,i didnt want anything to big, so i decided on a beddy whip, but, i wanted one around 21"? and more to the whipp side, and i kno where youre coming from, cos some of these crosses can throw smaller than mine, so i did a bit of home work, and got told make sure the dam was a whipp, and a decent sized one, sire was a 22" beedy whipp, so this ticked all the boxes for me! and shes turned out 21" and very whippety! lamps! bushes! excells at rabbing, so couldnt ask for anymore of her, some people just like the looks of these little dogs, others think you cant beat this breed? i guess its there own prefrence, like i said i kno where youre coming from with a dog 23" ive seen some cracking dogs this size, and prob next lurcher i get would be around 23"? hope i aint cotradicting my self?



cracking little bitch that,a credit to ye,atb jamiew

pippas looking well in the pics pal when the weathers better wel av to go out again atb popps

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